Surviving Minnesota!

And here she is smiling at me when I woke up this morning.


She is the smallest Labrador I have ever seen. She is 44 pounds. Of fortitude. Not a big docile shloopy lipped/ joweled tub of 70 pounds labrador butter which are Easy to control.

This is a pouncer-cat ping-pong ball dominant PITA dog apparently still allowed to be called a lab.

Any other family....she'd be at the pound by now.
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Cute chicks Coffee!

Yikes... I am not a dog lover... At all... I like pit bulls but thats it. Labs are to hyper for us. No offense to those lab lovers but our have been pain in the rear... But then it could just be that dog and not all.
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And here she is smiling at me when I woke up this morning.


She is the smallest Labrador I have ever seen. She is 44 pounds. Of fortitude. Not a big docile shloopy lipped and joweled tub of 70 pounds of butter lab. Easy to control.

This is a pouncer cat ping pong ball dominant Pita dog apparently still called a Labrador. Lol

Lol she is cute!
Oh Coffee, lol you are hopelessly addicted!  :weee    But they are soooo cute!

Erli, yes, blooies thead  mama heating pad in the brooder

Coffee if you would like to try the heating pad set up like in that thread, let me know, I have a couple of those heating pads, unused, you are welcome to have one cheap. I ordered them online.  I could drop it at your home, I go right through Anoka everyday to work and back.
ohh wish I would have known that yesterday but thank you anyways I bought one at TSC .
Blooie does have a big thread on the momma heating pad/ chick cave.

Sadie responded to rimadyl and doxycycline within an hour. Lol. Thank you Erlibird for asking. I need to wait for another pay period now to line the spay job up with. Since treating her for that dam disease was as much as spaying. Months worth of doxy and rimadyl are not cheap. He's reasonable overall though. I shouldn't complain.

She has picked up a couple funny tricks though. I came upstairs after working on our basement yesterday and I could hardly be mad.


Kloppers that buckeye is a meaty bird and the drive for feed and protein is crazy. I know it's a wives' tale to say that one bird breed is more of a mouser than others. But I had mouse nests in my coop all winter. With BAs, RIRs, wyandottes, standing by watching them run by. I have not seen one though since I've had my particular buckeye though. She's a timid thing though I envision her response should be more like the classical big elephant in a room with a mouse response, lol.

All of my birds will take frogs though. They LOVE frog meat.

With the milder temps came a bit of a thaw in my coop and I was driven to do a coop clean out. It's soooo nice to see birds on fresh bedding... And the smellll of those pine shavings....mmmmm. I did the panty hose with poultry dust in all corners and nest boxes trim work and roosts. Just in case. Tootsie had a few crawling early last week. Dusted him when I saw the few. Rechecks all this week reveal nothing now again. I will be vigilant tho still for another couple weeks or so. I'll have to quit the powder when the eggs start though. There's a withdrawal period and I noted a funky taste to them 2 years ago when I didn't know better. Anyways... Hoping I'm done with this mess soon or already.
OMG what a cute pic.. LOL.. Gotta love um..
My bathroom is a super hot 98 degrees.. The babies are doing fine James is bopping around and seems to be the explorer and Roostie just wants to snuggle he chirps non stop then I pick him up and he is sleeping in 2 secs. I refuse to have him snuggling in the bed. I took bath and was sweating as soon as I got out and I went to brush my teeth and the toothpaste was hot. Tried to put on mascara but it was runny so I had to remove makeup from bathroom hopefully it thickens up. I think I will have to figure out something else to do with them. I do have a spare bedroom I'm thinking of turning that into a chicken room.. Lol.
Great looking Chicks, Ralphie!!

111 posts! At least, I was able to scan them. I see coffee got some new chicks to curb the jones. Very cute.
Great pictures from Holms again. Klop too.

My chickens got to play in the dirt next to the house today. They haven't really came out much since the two nice nordeasters froze everything. But I have been getting eggs.

Ralphie? A pro like you busted? You are getting way to overconfident. You gotta watch that.

My being busted like that is proof it can happen to anyone. I might need a new shed with an incinerator for receipts and packing slips.
Cute chicks Coffee!

Yikes... I am not a dog lover... At all... I like pit bulls but thats it. Labs are to hyper for us. No offense to those lab lovers but our have been pain in the rear... But then it could just be that dog and not all.

Labs have an on/off switch. Most labs turn into piles of fur you trip over at 2 years of age. That getting them to two years is rough. They never stop moving, they chew everything in sight. The want constant attention. We always dread the first two years, but then again that is when they learn the most too.

Nothing says " I love you" Like a lab at your feet looking up.

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