Suspect Bumble Foot Problem - Can Chickens have a Genenetically Predisposition to this Condition


6 Years
Aug 18, 2013
We have two Ameraucana roos who came down with what I suspect is bumble foot... these rooster are the same age form the same breeding flock and both have come down with this condition at the same time on the same foot; is this condition genetic? We have had a flock of 30 birds for over four years and have never seen this before. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? We are trying to build a breeding flock and this is not something I want to introduce into our breeding flock.
Is there something else that this could be... both of these roos started showing signs with in days of each other. We have never seen anything like this in any of our chickens and oddly coincidental that both of these roos (brothers) would come down with the same thing at the same time. thank you for your reply
What are their symptoms exactly, and how old are they? Is there swelling in the foot pad or joints of the feet or legs? Pictures may help. Some diseases such as mycoplasma synoviae, gout, viral tenosynovitis or arthritis can cause swelling and lameness. Bumblefoot is usually characterized by a swollen foot pad with a characteristic black dot, and swelling can also be on top of foot or between toes. Here is a link about it:
That may still be the case; however, I may need to upload the images to the My Photos area of my profile and then maybe I can get a prompt to attach the image... I am currently trying this but it appears to be taking some time to do this; I'll keep trying, thank you for your time.
After battling with a slow internet connection I did get a photo load here is the affected foot of one of the birds

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