SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are your Swedish drakes particularly aggressive? I have one, that is not afraid of anything. He goes after the dogs, my boots, whatever. Sometimes he will even get enough air to "fly" over his pen to go after a dog. It's so crazy.

This is my crazy Bumblebee.
has anyone had your ducks attacked by a bobcat I have lost 2 of and all of my welsh harlequin ducks and I am worried that the pekins could be next since the welshs and the 2pekin duck are the brightest but bigger than the weshs I also have 2 black Swedish duck

i am just concerned i don't really want to change the fence as i am more wanting to catch it and count my losses espeacially since the 4 that are left 1 is crested and 1 pekins wing was broke from birth ( it wasn't as noticeable when i first showed it in 4-h but now that it is me and my dad think its wing was broke from birth or shipping as we did not break it ) but since the predetor got my best pair i have sorta claimed war on it since i wont show the others but i do want the eggs and would maybe like to breed so i kinda wanna stop counting my losses

any info on bobcat attacks would be helpful my and my dad have 97% ruled out a coon (we have had lots of coon problems over the years) and fox is still a possibility although i found some fur with very little hid still attached on the fur that looks like bobcat but i found some prints i have never seen before

any info will help!!!!!
has anyone had your ducks attacked by a bobcat I have lost 2 of and all of my welsh harlequin ducks and I am worried that the pekins could be next since the welshs and the 2pekin duck are the brightest but bigger than the weshs I also have 2 black Swedish duck

i am just concerned i don't really want to change the fence as i am more wanting to catch it and count my losses espeacially since the 4 that are left 1 is crested and 1 pekins wing was broke from birth ( it wasn't as noticeable when i first showed it in 4-h but now that it is me and  my dad think its wing was broke from birth or shipping as we did not break it ) but since the predetor got my best pair i have sorta claimed war on it since i wont show the others but i do want the eggs and would maybe like to breed so i kinda wanna stop counting my losses

any info on bobcat attacks would be helpful my and my dad have 97% ruled out a coon (we have had lots of coon problems over the years) and fox is still a possibility although i found some fur with very little hid still attached on the fur  that looks like bobcat but i found some prints i have never seen before

any info will help!!!!!

Maybe a live trap, or contact your local game and fish commission. Maybe they can help trap and relocate.
That's unfortunately all you can do when you have Bobcats around. Set out a trap with chicken in it and wait til it comes and gets it. You're not allowed to shoot it as it is endangered on the DNR list. But you could ask them and they will come and set a trap and relocate it then.

We had an entire family of Bobcats last year (mom, dad and 2 kittens). They preferred our pheasants over the ducks but we still took a good hit. This year we saw one three times and once got a pheasant. All during the very dark early morning hours (trail cam). That's all you can do to keep your babies safe besides lock them in a duck house/barn at night where the bad kitty can't get to it. Good luck! And sorry for Ur losses...
That's unfortunately all you can do when you have Bobcats around. Set out a trap with chicken in it and wait til it comes and gets it. You're not allowed to shoot it as it is endangered on the DNR list. But you could ask them and they will come and set a trap and relocate it then.

We had an entire family of Bobcats last year (mom, dad and 2 kittens). They preferred our pheasants over the ducks but we still took a good hit. This year we saw one three times and once got a pheasant. All during the very dark early morning hours (trail cam). That's all you can do to keep your babies safe besides lock them in a duck house/barn at night where the bad kitty can't get to it. Good luck! And sorry for Ur losses...

thank you but now we think it is a fox but since I have a snow day today and tom. I will watch and se if it comes back
Could it have been a coyote, dog or bob cat climb the fence to get the ducks? When I first saw the print, I thought a dog. It had big pads and definite nails. It was about 2 1/2" long. That's not a coon.

There was a similar print under my deck this morning after 8" of snow. It looked like the one that was in the duck yard. This print was just 4' from my back door!!!!

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