SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a couple of questions. I have 2 blue Swedish and 1 black Swedish. I had another black Swedish but I lost him to a fox. I have tried locking them in a pen/ yard at night and they HATE it! They won't even go in it anymore not even for treats! Lol! They figured that out. They hang out under a low hanging tree at the pond and that's where they hang out and sleep. Well while trimming up along pond edge I discovered that not only do they sleep and hang out there but there is a nest built in tall grass that has bout 6 eggs in it!! I flipped! Have no idea how long they have been there because I haven't checked that are in couple of weeks! How would I know if one of my girls is going to hatch them??? I hve two females and one male. He has the tail feather that curls up into a curly q. How do you know if fertilized??? Don't know if I should pick them up of leave them to who ever their momma is?? Help!!
Your ducks are at great risk - if you want the eggs to hatch, either move them to a safe shelter and see if she will sit, or get an incubator. In any case, get the ducks into predator-safe shelter at least at night.

They probably have a treat that they like, or you can get someone to help you herd them in - then lock them up.
I always had to herd my 2 ducks in at night. Every once in a great while they would actually go in on their own. I doubt very much that your ducks are sitting on the eggs. My hen would lay me an egg every morning but she was never broody. If you want any to hatch you will probably need to incubate. I'm sure the drake is making sure they are fertile ;)
I have a couple of questions. I have 2 blue Swedish and 1 black Swedish. I had another black Swedish but I lost him to a fox. I have tried locking them in a pen/ yard at night and they HATE it! They won't even go in it anymore not even for treats! Lol! They figured that out. They hang out under a low hanging tree at the pond and that's where they hang out and sleep. Well while trimming up along pond edge I discovered that not only do they sleep and hang out there but there is a nest built in tall grass that has bout 6 eggs in it!! I flipped! Have no idea how long they have been there because I haven't checked that are in couple of weeks! How would I know if one of my girls is going to hatch them??? I hve two females and one male. He has the tail feather that curls up into a curly q. How do you know if fertilized??? Don't know if I should pick them up of leave them to who ever their momma is?? Help!!

Sorry to hear of your problems. Mine have always gone into their little duck house either on their own or they are very easy to herd in.

Blackie and Blondie arrived this week
I was shocked to see Blondie but after reading this post and checking out the pictures, I am relieved to see I do have two Sweds. Any chance Blondie will develop a bib as she grows?
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Hello everyone.
This is my first post, so let's see how things go... (actually my second post; first one was in the "New Members" area ;-)...)

Here are a few Images of our 8 year old Hen, "Peepers" - taken back when she was between One Week, to Four Months old.

--Scott (EE)

Image #1: Peepers at 1 Week old.

Image #2a: At 3 Months old, on the Lawn...

Image #2b: On the Lawn again; showing her colors...

Image 2c: Another feathers' shot.

Image #3a: On the porch - age Three-1/2 Months.

Image 3b: Purple feathers...

Image 3c: Ruffled feathers...

end of images.
I an currently incubating a runner/black Swedish.here is the little baby in the egg moving

Awesome! Thanks for sharing. We are candling today and hope to see something.

Hello everyone.
This is my first post, so let's see how things go... (actually my second post; first one was in the "New Members" area ;-)...)

Here are a few Images of our 8 year old Hen, "Peepers" - taken back when she was between One Week, to Four Months old.

--Scott (EE)

Image #1: Peepers at 1 Week old.

Image #2a: At 3 Months old, on the Lawn...
Welcome to BYC
Peepers is beautiful!

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