SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just found this thread. I have 2 blacks, one blue and a blue/Cayuga mix breed. I love them, they have the most amazing colors. My female black is my alpha, she definitely runs the show around here. I'm hoping to get 6 more girls this spring to add to the brace. I look forward to getting to know y'all and your Swedes.
Amiga wha kind? I've tried cat food (wet/dry/treats) for feathers/molting. Tevye loves the dry but his feathers are almost always perfect. I swear he molts 1 feather at a time constantly so he is the only one who doesn't ever need it. 2 or 3 other ducks peck at it suspiciously, and the rest just ignore it. I have always tried seafood flavors but I have too many bags of undesired cat food to blindly try more.
I use Eagle Pak, comes in a pink bag...every duck devours it! The only differences are that Salem and Vier and several others like to eat it out of my hand, Acht, Romy and some others prefer it from a mug, Alba and Rowen and Elf and a few others want it on the floor, Zehn likes it on top of their food bowl.....
ours like lettuce, cabbage yogurt, bits and pieces of hay ,oh and boiled fish we forgot about in the freezer , and oatmeal during the winter time besides flock raiser we give them, it don't take a whole lot for them.
my thinking is and didn't get it done this spring so hopefully this next year as I need to see how long it's going to take per tray and can figure out how many i need and get some trays made when i figure out what to use to cover, and making them trays with grass and grains mixed in that I can change out as long as they didn't get at the roost so they have fresh fodder we can grow under grow light or in a greenhouse if we had one

also when we peel the veggies to cook with they love the peelings
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