Swedish Flower Hen Thread

So Snoleopards? What are they? I've seen people talking about them.
snoleopard is a specific coloration that seems to seldom pop up in the Swedish flower. It turns any red to a cream/tan color. I don't know if anyone has studied into it but from what I see the gene tends to be dominate but I've heard of people getting the color to pop up randomly inside of their flock with no previous history of birds that color.




She was feeling photogenic :love
there is a snoleopard chick standing next to what will likely be a mille fluer colored chick. The one closer to my hand is the mille fluer while the other is the snoleopard
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Jophus a Snoleopard in the Swedish Flower Hens are chickens that have a muted red gene that expresses the red or mahogany color as a light orange, yellow or tan.
Here is a pic of one as a small chick.
Is it possible that the BI gene responsible for dilluting black to blue could affect the Mh as well?

Beautiful birds!
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