Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Hi, I'm just popping on here to leave a post for the nice young lady from Unionville Michigan who I sold a breeding pair of SFH's to this evening. This is just so you know who I am and can find me on BYC whenever you need to. I know this don't look like me but it is, my hair was longer and I had my silly chicken hat on. It was taken right in front of my garage door.
I hope you'll post some pics of any babies you have from those two.
I was reading the beginning of this thread and WOW, these birds were only imported to the US in 2008!!! I had a few Icelandics but they were SO flighty I got rid of them, these Flower girls are so much nicer.

Here's a couple baby photos of the two you bought from me when they were a lot younger.

little "Beep Beep" in the foreground. A crested male.

Little "Cindy" setting in the doorway of the coop.

Hi Stoneunhenged, SO pleased you have imported these guys and hopefully this will help maintain the breed. THANK YOU!!!

Scary that there are only 1000 left in Sweden. Hopefully in the US people will see that this is a gem we need to protect.

$399 a pair is somewhat outside my price range, but like the previous 2 posters I was wondering if you would be selling chicks or eggs in the spring?

And just dreaming here... but when you sell pairs does the seller get choice in the colour or if they have a crest, as they are very varied in appearance?

And to all the other SFH fans... has anyone else purchased a pair and have eggs that they would be prepared to sell?

WOW, really?? I sold my pair tonight for $25. It's fine with me, I like to see them spread around. I originally bought a dozen eggs for $25 and drove a little over an hour to pick them up myself so they would be handled nicely. Out of the dozen eggs I got 10 birds and an even split, 5 boys and 5 girls. The two that were crested were the ones I sold, but I'm sure more will pop up in the future.
Note to self: Get shoes without laces.


I get a lot of excitement when I wear sparkley toenail polish!
Really?? He's not pure? Dang it. I do have some other chickens, but none of them produced these fellas. I bought the eggs out of Sanford Michigan from a lady who only has SFH. I wonder how it happened?? So the Flowers do NOT have any barring at all??? What about comb styles??? How much do they vary??
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[COLOR=800080]Close ups of the 5 I "thought" were my Flower boys: [/COLOR]
Eek, yeah. The barred is a no-go :( Handsome fella, though! Wonder if the woman had any rogue Barred Rocks around her place. ;) Or is that a rose combed Dom? My phone won't load the picture big enough and my glasses are juuuuust out of reach, lol.
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