Swedish Flower Hen Thread


The white girl on the left with the orange on her chest and sides was an all yellow chick. She's going through molt and doesn't look great in this picture, but her splash coloring is lovely. Congratulations on your yellow SFH chick!

In the midst of raising our first SFNs. There are two of them who are in a group of three along with a mystery breed. The two SFNs refuse to sleep on a perch -- they continue to prefer a box, even at ~14 weeks. We've tried putting them on the perch at night and they hop down immediately.

Anyone ever experienced this?
Hi everyone!
So I won an auction from Greenfire Farms for 12 random chicks and ended up getting: 7 Swedish Flower Hens, 5 Cream Legbars, 2 Svart Hona's, and 2 Bielefelders.

My question is, do SFH chicks come in many colors?

I have this one chick that is a light yellow with a light yellow belly, and a black chick with a yellow belly - could those be SFH?

You've got your work cut out trying to identify at this chick stage, but these are the ones that IMO are some SFH chicks. You will know at approx 3 wks old when they start getting their flowers (white spots). So I think these numbers from your picture post are SFH: #6, #9, #11, #12, and #13.

Every chick can look different, but these look like some that I've hatched. How fun!!

In the midst of raising our first SFNs. There are two of them who are in a group of three along with a mystery breed. The two SFNs refuse to sleep on a perch -- they continue to prefer a box, even at ~14 weeks. We've tried putting them on the perch at night and they hop down immediately.

Anyone ever experienced this?

All 4 of my hens (various breeds and a couple Silkie bantams) sleep in the nestboxes and have ever since we got the little coop 4-1/2 yrs ago. Even the roo slept in a nextbox when we had him before re-homing him. The boxes are very large 16"x16"x21/2 feet tall so we once found 4 girls sleeping in one box on a very cold night. There is a perch that gets used for a couple hours by a couple hens but by morning all the girls are in the nestboxes. We're hoping they will use the perches in the new coop that has sturdier perches and placed higher than the nestboxes. We clean the nestboxes of any poop in the early morning so there's clean straw for egg-laying early in the day.
Who on here has German line birds? Would like to know more about what they offer to a breeding program. Benefits, problems? I am very interested in this info.
Who on here has German line birds? Would like to know more about what they offer to a breeding program. Benefits, problems? I am very interested in this info.

There is a sfh group on Facebook where you'll find several with the German lines. Also, @KYTinpusher and @Melabella

The whole purpose in having birds from a different line is to get some diversity in your flock and avoid breeding birds that are too closely related.
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Thank you for the info about the Facebook group. I had missed that. I guess my question was German line specific, do they have the same issues to look for, such as comb sprigs and split wing. Are there other German line birds than the Fishers?

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