Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Here are my new chicks that just hatched they are sooo cute and so many different colors
out of 12 eggs i go 11 chicks





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Your chicks are adorable.

Thanks. I was amazed on the variety of colors I got out of my three hens.

I guess you never know what color they will be. Mine have different coloring than yours do.
Cuteness overload Daisyjack! What I love about this bird is the variety. The middle chick in the first pic sure has some deep coloring. Very pretty!

Contrastphoto, my next batch is due to hatch on the 25th. The gal that is incubating the eggs for me is going to candle them
tomorrow I think. We'll see how it goes.

A friend came by today with 2 Barred Rock chicks of the same age and you're right, they were quite a bit bigger and more feathered out.
Both my chicks are looking more rooish. I guess their behavior makes me think roo too. The grey one has a red crest coming in. So cool!

BLaBauve, that hen's coloring is so strikingly beautiful. Love the contrast of colors. Reminds me of my little grey chick. Oooooooooh! So exciting!!!

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