Swedish Flower Hen Thread

I am in need of a boy.... preferably a older cockerel but I'm willing to do a rooster if he isn't already a couple years old. I'm in East TN but North Carolina state line is closer to me than Knoxville..... also Northern GA isn't too far for me to drive either. So.... Southwestern NC, East TN, N GA, and even Northeast AL.... if you have a cockerel or younger rooster, please let me know.
Okay so i acquired 2 Swedish Flower Hen Roosters for free! Yay! I have only had them for a week and am already in love with their beauty and their personality. They are so friendly and calm. I was wondering where I could get some more eggs, chicks, or pullets. I live in Odessa, Mo that is close to Kansas City, Mo.
Okay so i acquired 2 Swedish Flower Hen Roosters for free! Yay! I have only had them for a week and am already in love with their beauty and their personality. They are so friendly and calm. I was wondering where I could get some more eggs, chicks, or pullets. I live in Odessa, Mo that is close to Kansas City, Mo.
it's kind of the wrong season for a lot of breeders to sell eggs or chicks (i'm an exception, i hatch year round - but not sfh *YET*) i'll be setting dorkings most of the winter as i rotate my breeding pen with several combinations of roosters/hens, and bantam cochins as eggs come along.

right now all i'm getting are free range eggs. all dorking girls and mostly dorking roosters, except my blrw. so nothing to set for me, tho i did have someone bring me some late guinea eggs. but i think they're too old to develop.
I have some young cockerels ranging in age from 5-8 weeks. I also have their father who will be a year in February. (in my Avatar) I love this rooster, although he is getting more aggressive. I got so many red and white pullets this year that I have decided to use darker roosters next year. I am just south of Atlanta, so that may be further than you want to go.
Can you ship me some of your water? only one roo out of 18?!!
Yeah, I know, I was thrilled!
Okay, asked this a few days back, but I'm going to ask again... the storm kind of took over, which is good because that's more important...

Here's my question... Are any of you breeding for specific qualities, or not necessarily, since the SFH's are a landrace?
Okay, asked this a few days back, but I'm going to ask again... the storm kind of took over, which is good because that's more important...

Here's my question... Are any of you breeding for specific qualities, or not necessarily, since the SFH's are a landrace?

I'd say most of us are not "selectively" breeding as it is contrary to how the breed developed. If anything, there are some birds that a lot of breeders would choose not to breed - those with badly crooked toes, split wings or other genetic faults that could hinder the quality of life for the bird and/or its offspring.

Some are looking for specific colors... but the whole point of these wonderful landrace birds is that they evolved from the strongest and hardiest ancestors. Nature culled the weak and gave us what we have today :)

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