Sweet PDZ.


Mar 10, 2021
I know what it is, it’s Zeolite. But is it really safe to use for chickens? Do you add it to the bedding? Should it only be used it a well ventilated area? Thanks in advance!
It's safe if your birds eat it, but its uncommon for them to do so. Sweet PDZ is dusty. I've used it on a poop board to scoop and dust is flying when I scoop, so personally I wouldn't put it in the coop litter, but I know many folks use it in the litter with success. Personally if your coop litter stinks enough to use Sweet PDZ, it needs cleaned IMO. Poop boards help with the odor automatically so it shouldn't be needed in the litter anyways. Sweet PDZ is also compostable.
I've read where some folks will sprinkle PDZ on the floor before adding bedding, when they begin a Deep Litter round, and will add more PDZ as they add more bedding. I have a 6-nest metal nesting box, I sprinkle some underneath the nest pads. Standlee adds it to their Flock Fresh bedding. If you decide to use it, be sure to get the bag with the horse on it, not the chicken - the chicken one is seriously overpriced!
I add it under bedding. It stops the smell so that I don't have to remove all the bedding every day. With PDZ, I can scoop poop daily, and just replace bedding every few months. Poop has some liquid with it, and that contaminates the bedding even if you scoop solid poop religiously.

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