Swollen and hot duck foot?

Skyler vaughan

Sep 15, 2019
Yesterday morning I let my ducks out and everyone was fine but later on in the afternoon one of my girls was limping, she could put a bit of pressure on her right foot but was still waddling. I looked at both feet and saw that there was a callus of some sort on it so i treated it with animal safe aqueous cream on both feet. This morning she wouldn't come out of her kennel and her foot is really swollen and feels hot! I checked it and it's her foot pad that has doubled in size over night, it wasn't the cream because her other foot is fine but she won't walk on it. Luckily she's eating and drinking but is very upset and stressed as I expect she's in a lot of pain. These photos are from about an hour ago. Is anyone able to help?
IMG_5562 (1).JPG
I don't see anything particularly alarming in the pictures to suggest Bumblefoot, so if the limp developed very fast, I would go to say she injured her foot, or ankle area. She may have tripped over something, or got her foot got in some line, etc.

Setting her in her own little pen area to reduce her movement, and allow her to get feed, and water easily would be a good idea. As well as, upping the B vitamins in her diet during the healing process, letting her swim in deep cool water often, occasionally with the addition of Epsom salts.

You can do all those things, but ultimately rest will be the major factor. In the future, try to make there pen area free of snags, and things they might trip on where they walk frequently.
Thanks Issac o like I say I’m not expert but I replied in the hope that someone like you might see and be able to help:thumbsup
No expert here either, when I see these types of sad post with members needing immediate help, I tag Doc 0 @Isaac 0 and that helps Isaac get to the thread post sooner over later. That is if he isn't already tending to another Avian emergency. :)
I don't see anything particularly alarming in the pictures to suggest Bumblefoot, so if the limp developed very fast, I would go to say she injured her foot, or ankle area. She may have tripped over something, or got her foot got in some line, etc.

Setting her in her own little pen area to reduce her movement, and allow her to get feed, and water easily would be a good idea. As well as, upping the B vitamins in her diet during the healing process, letting her swim in deep cool water often, occasionally with the addition of Epsom salts.

You can do all those things, but ultimately rest will be the major factor. In the future, try to make there pen area free of snags, and things they might trip on where they walk frequently.
Ok thank you very much! I've cleaned her foot up and gave her a pad of cotton wool on the bottom of it to relieve stress, (these lot literally go wherever they please so I expect she went somewhere she shouldn't have). She seems a lot brighter now and I've put her in a kennel full of clean straw with food and water. I actually hatched these lot during lockdown so I'm not super informed on ducks, what is the best for vitamin B supplements? In the water or in her feed?

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