Swollen Heads "HELP"

Chicken Review

In the Brooder
5 Years
May 6, 2014
Southeastern Kentucky
This is a question from one of our readers.

I'm inquiring about a sickness of a few hens I have and should I move them away from the others? Here is what is happening, I thought it was a respiratory infection yet now some have swollen up in the face and have closed their eyes on one side can you give me any ideas because we don't have a chicken vet here.

Thank you.
without more questions it would be hard to guess a diagnosis but any time you feel like you have an ill chicken the first thing to do would be to put them in isolation. a respiratory condition in fowl is more common then thought of and usually not the best of outcomes. as this sounds as if what may be going on. bubbles in the eye would be a thing to look for and if found treatment with a product called tylan would be in order. Denaguard is also a good antibiotic for respiratory illness as it works as a preventative as well and there is no egg withdrawal time with the denaguard . sorry to say that quite a few people will cull the whole flock , disinfect and start anew. I hope this helps you. I am not a vet and any advise is my opinion only
Swelling around an eye or the face on one or both sides can be a sign of respiratory diseases such as mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG or CRD) or coryza. Is there any bad odor around the faces? Look for any peck marks or stings just in case it may be from those. Here is a good link to read about respiratory diseases, including MG and coryza: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044
without more questions it would be hard to guess a diagnosis but any time you feel like you have an ill chicken the first thing to do would be to put them in isolation. a respiratory condition in fowl is more common then thought of and usually not the best of outcomes. as this sounds as if what may be going on. bubbles in the eye would be a thing to look for and if found treatment with a product called tylan would be in order. Denaguard is also a good antibiotic for respiratory illness as it works as a preventative as well and there is no egg withdrawal time with the denaguard . sorry to say that quite a few people will cull the whole flock , disinfect and start anew. I hope this helps you. I am not a vet and any advise is my opinion only
Thanks will pass along!
Swelling around an eye or the face on one or both sides can be a sign of respiratory diseases such as mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG or CRD) or coryza. Is there any bad odor around the faces? Look for any peck marks or stings just in case it may be from those. Here is a good link to read about respiratory diseases, including MG and coryza: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044
Very good article. Have sent it to him!

Thank you.

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