Swollen Leg ad Bare Skin

Hi everybody. Just wanted to give an update. The second sick duckling is on the up and up. We’ve been giving it amoxicillin at 20mg/kg of weight for 4 days now. It is more alert, swelling is slightly decreasing, and it is eating / drinking and alert. At one point it was close to death and hardly breathing so we put it in the bathroom and let the shower run on hot to create a steam room. We did this 3 times in one day and it literally saved her life. after that it had new life!

The rest of the ducks are doing much better with more space and their dry brooders. Rigging a water catching set up has made all the difference. There are still a couple with bald spots and I notice they peck a little at each other in the original brooder, but overall they all seem to be much healthier and happier.

Thank you for all the prompt responses and help on those first couple of days. It was very disappointing to realize we were mismanaging the ducks, but we have learned so much for how to care for sick poultry through this, that I feel very confident continuing the journey!


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