Swollen lump near ear !

It's great to see that she's looking better - a good job that you had some antibiotics to hand. We have the same problem in France as in Australia - you need a prescription for almost everything, which leads me to saving remnants of any medicine that I'm prescribed by the doctor in case it comes in handy for my girls. I've already used a fungal cream, antibiotics, and probiotics on them!

Talking of which, once you finish the antibiotics it wouldn't be a bad idea to give Galads a few days of probiotics to repopulate her gut with some good bacteria, as the antibiotics can take their toll on the intestinal flora. You can use powder or capsules (if they're not too expensive or you have some lying around), or a probiotic yogurt (usually the cheaper option - mine adore strawberry Activia!). Warning - if you've never given your girls yogurt before, put the bowl down on the ground and stand very well back - if you choose not to follow this advice then on your own head be it - you will get covered in flying dairy product
You can give the yogurt to the whole flock - a great treat and it doesn't do any of them any harm to have some probiotics from time to time.
Just found this lump on my batam today. Would amoxicillin work? I have 500mg capsules. It not really hot to the touch. I have never messed with a chickens ear. How hard is it to clean it out?
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No discharge at all from ears nose or eyes. After I chased her around to catch her to look at the bump she had her beak open. I just thought I wore her out chasing her. I will check her in the morning to see if she is breathing through her beak instead of nostrils. Gonna start amoxicillin in the morning
Have a gentle look in the ear, but if she isn't particularly tame (she doesn't sound it if you had to chase her to catch her), then I wouldn't poke around too much. Some people recommend a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in the ear to loosen gunk, but when I wanted to do it with my girl she was moving around so much I thought I might end up dropping it in her eye instead! If you can do it safely then go ahead, but if not then start the antibiotics and see how she goes for a few days. Fingers crossed that it will work for her.
I know this thread is old but i have a hen suffering from something like this now also. She's a Reese line CCL and id really, rather not lose her. She has a hard lump behind her ear. I haven't been able to see anything inside her ear. The lump is warm to the touch but not hot. Not any warmer than skin would normally be. I just fished day 5 of giving her .30 mg of penecillin daily. No change. What should i do? Any advice? I know the pictures are horrible but it's the best i could get.



If a vet is available locally, you could get better antibiotics. Bactrim or clavamox can help. Did you mean 0.3 ml or cc. Of the penicillin? Many organisms are resistant to penicillin, but the correct dosage of procaine pen. G is 1/4 ml daily given 1/4 inch deep into muscle for 4 days. Does she have any signs of a respiratory disease? Ear mites can sometimes cause ear infections. I hope you can help her.
If a vet is available locally, you could get better antibiotics. Bactrim or clavamox can help. Did you mean 0.3 ml or cc. Of the penicillin? Many organisms are resistant to penicillin, but the correct dosage of procaine pen. G is 1/4 ml daily given 1/4 inch deep into muscle for 4 days. Does she have any signs of a respiratory disease? Ear mites can sometimes cause ear infections. I hope you can help her.

Thank you. There are no local avian vets. All the ones around here and dogs and cats only. This is what I have been giving her.


I did mean .30 ml. My syringes are in ml. She has no signs of ear miss that I can see. Her ears look clean. No sneezing, no rales.
Is the ear mass hard or soft? Do you see any peck marks on the skin? Unfortunately it is becoming more difficult to obtain antibiotics from feed stores due to antibiotic resistance. Tylan and oxytetracycline are often used for respiratory diseases which can also affect the ears. Those are available at feed stores most of the time.
Is the ear mass hard or soft? Do you see any peck marks on the skin? Unfortunately it is becoming more difficult to obtain antibiotics from feed stores due to antibiotic resistance. Tylan and oxytetracycline are often used for respiratory diseases which can also affect the ears. Those are available at feed stores most of the time.

It's hard, not soft. I do have tylan 50 here if you think it would work better. I could try using that instead. Do you happen to know the doseage? It doesn't look like there's a peck mark but possibly a scratch.

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