Swollen Vent??


6 Years
Dec 1, 2013
Nashville, TN
Noticed a couple of my leghorns had poopy butts so I cleaned them off with the hose. While I was doing so I noticed one of them had a bulge coming from her vent. It was pink and swollen. Should I be concerned or is she just one of the Roos favorites??
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One of my hens had the same type vent problem. It isn't something to ignore. I ended up taking mine to the vet and they basically pushed it back in. I watched her for a few days but that seemed to fix her up. Don't know if that helps but thought I would pass it along.
Noticed a couple of my leghorns had poopy butts so I cleaned them off with the hose. While I was doing so I noticed one of them had a bulge coming from her vent. It was pink and swollen. Should I be concerned or is she just one of the Roos favorites??

From what you are describing it sounds like she may have a prolapsed vent.
You will need to treat it.
You can follow the instructions linked below or take her to a vet.


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