Take obese children from parent's custody?


9 Years
Jul 26, 2010
Well obvious that isn't ever going to happen due to parent's rights issues and such, so that actually happening isn't worth discussing.

But one health care author feels so strongly that obesity is so widespread among young people and such a serious mistreatment of a child, that s/he made this comment.

How do you feel about childhood obesity, which seems to be an epidemic these days?

If you feel like commenting on cholesterol readings in children as well, please feel free, but if we could stick with obesity in children rather than broader health concerns, that would be good.
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For starters, our nations or our schools eliminate PE. Bring them back or encourage schools to extra circl. sessions.

Internet and computers are our everyday life outside of society. If we want to go places without ever leaving home, a click and mouse, viola, we are there in front of our computers. Xbox and related games made it possible for kids to play more inside than outside.

Security in our neighborhoods and schools, may have made some parents so overcautious that they are afraid to let their kids outside and play. Too many weirdos.

Food such as fruits and veggies in the freshest type are very expensive. Sure we would love to eat them but make it affordable just as those processed food in a box. Organic is not necessarily the best but make it available and affordable.

And parents ARE responsible for their kids health but we have to do it in a joint manner, the schools, our church folks, events all have a role in it. Passing out candies to kids at the parade, what else would you pass out?

Those are the few things I can think of but no, we should not hold parents 100 percent responsible. Give them the tools of good habit eating, and changing the family structure even one hour of exercise would benefit for all.
I think it would be a great ideal for hugely obese children but human nature being what it is,it would be difficult to set guide lines on which ones were called obese. Some fool would want to take a bigboned large size kid who really isn't obese for their build. But if they could hold it to those who are hundreds over and so are their parents it would be a good thing to help break the cycle and learn them different eating habits.
Many of us, like animals, have our own conformation, that includes stature, built and disposition. I don't like the "pinch" test they go out for BMI, its so wrong in many levels. A kid can not help it if he is physically fit but looser skin due to loss of elastic structure of the cells (same for older people).
I think it's a safe bet, though, if an eight year old child weighs over two hundred pounds, there's probably something of a problem.
I have never actually met an obese child, ones that a little fat sure but not obese. Perhaps it's an epidemic elsewhere?
Anyhoo lets look at the average kid's day shall we?
7:00 AM: Wake up. Sit down and eat breakfast
8:00 AM: Sit in the car or bus on the way to school
9:00-3:00: Sit in classrooms
3:30 PM: Sit in the car or bus on the way home
4:00-6:00 PM: Sit at their desk at home doing homework.
6:30 PM: Sit at the dinner table.
7:00-whatever time they go to bed: Sit down and go on Facebook or play video games.

I wonder why these kids aren't healthy lol.
IMO a huge problem is that High Fructose Corn Syrup is added to most processed foods and fast foods. Makes it cheap, but low/no nutritional value at all. Fills the tummies, but doesn't do much else. Other than making everyone fat! Most "average" Americans know little to nothing about proper nutrition. And soda has become the drink of choice instead of water.

Why not teach nutrition in the schools and offer classes to the parents? Bring back PE and get everyone off their hineys. Promote NON GMO products.

Stopping before I get too high up on my soap-box!
schools didn't eliminate PE it is required to graduate high school. In high school levels athletic events outside of school are sport teams and if you are not good enough you do not get on.

ETA: With gym if they have to run the ones that are in shape run while the fat ones walk.
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