Tanyizzle's Garage-Side Coop

I thought the dowels would be what they would want too but was told that they are not perching so much as sitting and 2x4s are better. It's easier for them. Others say they used branches cut off of trees and that contradicts the 2x4 people! If you get a good answer, let me know.
I cannot get to the update, is there a secret to getting there?
Thanks for the design, I am hoping to have something similar someday soon!
wow that is really nice. You did a great job on your coop.
dowel is not that good for them, its hard for them to balance and can make their feet hurt if that is all they have to sit on. so what I do with my chickens and birds in the house is give them options of things to stand on. Bigger dowels where their feet will comfortably wrapped around it. Big tree trunks, 2x4"s I place them different areas of the coop In my new coops we are building at our new place i am even going to place rocks in their for them to stand on as well. We have them here on this property different places and they love to stand on them now and then.
just try to make it fun for them to have something different for them to stand on that has different sizes, and textures and they can decide what they need to stand on

deana in texas
Great job! I do believe you are my new inspiration for pens in the future....I think I may add a simple overhang for shade....they would need that here in TX...
Thanks for all of the pictures!
I was trying to appreciate the chicken coop (which is awesome, BTW), but got distracted by the Ferrari in the background! Hahaha. Never seen a Ferrari and a chicken coop in the same picture!
LOL I had to go back and look. That is funny. I think it should have been a beat up chevy p/u and thirty pack of bud light.


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