Tarantula thread!

Most species of T's and other spiders fangs can't penetrate human skin.
One of the deadliest spiders lives in most houses... the one called a daddy long legs.. but their fangs cannot get through our tough hides.
IF a person does get "tagged" it usually leaves something no worse than a mosquito bite, there could be a little bit of swelling, and numbness from
african tarantulas.

Hope this helps
Yeah..i heard that about Daddy Long -Legs... ticked me off too... cause that was the ONE spider that i actually liked, and thought was kinda cute...
Now i gotta kill them.. *sigh*
Hey Redhen, because there is a lot of confusion over this, I am wondering if you mean the cellar spider (called daddy long legs), or the harvestman (often also called daddy long legs). No need to kill either, as the first little spider can't possibly bite people, but the second little guy is an arachnid but not a spider, and not venomous at all. So, keep pinching their cute little cheeks!

As for me, I only had a second hand tarantula as a kid. A rosehair of my bro's called Lt. Fuzzball (learned he was a she though). Interesting and just gorgeous to look at. Jumping spiders and some tarantulas I find genuinely cute and endearing, but most spiders admittedly still freak me out.
Yeah..i heard that about Daddy Long -Legs... ticked me off too... cause that was the ONE spider that i actually liked, and thought was kinda cute...
Now i gotta kill them.. *sigh*

So u mean dady longlegs r poisinous??!?!?!?
(i have insectifobia!)
I wouldn't necessarily sat that T's fangs can't penetrate human skin, most T's just arn't that venomous. There are some that can cause serious medical problems to humans such as the Stromatopelma calceatum ( Feather leg baboon), but most are not much worse than a bee sting.
Yeah..i heard that about Daddy Long -Legs... ticked me off too... cause that was the ONE spider that i actually liked, and thought was kinda cute...
Now i gotta kill them.. *sigh*

So u mean dady longlegs r poisinous??!?!?!?
(i have insectifobia!)

I second the comment about daddy longlegs being harmless. It's an urban legend. They aren't true spiders and don't have venom. Think of them as round crickets.
Back to tarantulas.I have a male Rose Hair that my son grew tired of. Bob is in the only fully climate controlled room in my house. My son bought him 3 or 4 years ago, so from what I've read, his days are probably numbered.
I'm so afraid of spiders it isn't even funny!!
my friend has one that he loves though.....
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*grabs Redhens eyes and runs around shouting "I gotz ur eyeballz! hahahahahahahahahah!"

ignore that temporary insanity.

and daddy long legs are more closely related to ticks and mites I believe, they aren't spiders but are still arachnids. and they smell funny when you mush em, I think they smell like those cherry creme filled chocolates you can get in valentine candy boxes...

I am not a big fan of spiders, but I'm not terrified of them. but I don't think they're pretty either, though i must admit, those pics of the baby ones are SLIGHTLY cute...
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