Taste of Duck Eggs

When you crack open an egg, look for the bullseye. It can be tiny, but if it is fertile, it will be there. You do that before you incubate; just to make sure they are fertile. They taste the same. No different.
If you can candle check this out. Go to metzerfarms.com and then to site map. Scroll down to eggs and then under that to candle picture sequence. He has EXCELLENT pictures there of day 1 to 25. Maybe that will help you determine fertile eggs. There's not a darn thing wrong with eating eggs that are a few days fertile, unless you're really squeamish. And you can always use those for baking instead of looking at them on the plate! But definitely check out that site, the pictures are amazing!
The only true way to tell is to incubate,raising the temperature of the egg to about 98 degrees and adding humidity,this will kick start the whole incubating process and probably after about 3 to 4 days after incubation then they can be candled, you can store eggs for quite a time before they are set although the hatching ratio does decrease the longer they are left ,i have heard stories of people hatching eggs straight out of a fridge but never seen it,
I'm forging into ducks now. My family is going to kill me. Went to a neighbor's to buy straw for the garden and he was trying to get rid of 4 ducks, Black Swedish and Cayuga. Since I have 48 chickens, I really didn't have a place for them. I've been thinking about getting ducks and bought a book on them, but hadn't made the plunge. Well, I came home with 6 bales of straw and 4 ducks. I may be able to eat my first duck egg tomorrow! Will see. I know ducks are different than chickens so I'm trying to read up on them. These 4 seem to be very nice and tame. One is a drake but not sure at this point which one he is.
I'm forging into ducks now. My family is going to kill me. Went to a neighbor's to buy straw for the garden and he was trying to get rid of 4 ducks, Black Swedish and Cayuga. Since I have 48 chickens, I really didn't have a place for them. I've been thinking about getting ducks and bought a book on them, but hadn't made the plunge. Well, I came home with 6 bales of straw and 4 ducks. I may be able to eat my first duck egg tomorrow! Will see. I know ducks are different than chickens so I'm trying to read up on them. These 4 seem to be very nice and tame. One is a drake but not sure at this point which one he is.
Pick them up. If it quacks like a duck its a duck. A drake will also have curled tail feathers.

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