Tattooing birds for ID

I like the motion sprinkler idea, now if you could somehow load it with lemon juice or other irritant!

You can load sprinklers with smart water. Many buildings in the city have security systems that are loaded with Smart Water. It's hard to wash Smart Water off, it's visable in black light. If someone breaks in through the windows, smart water is sprayed onto them.
I like the motion sprinkler idea, now if you could somehow load it with lemon juice or other irritant!

You could hook this up to your outside faucet then run the little rubber hose in to a bucket of some water and this . Run a garden hose from that to
one of the inferred sprinklers.. Once that smell is on them I don't think they will be back..
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An unpleasant update...
Tattooing her ducks will be unnecessary. Monday night, the back fence into her duck yard was cut and 10 grown ducks were left with wrung necks. Authorities came out and said 'yep, those are dead ducks'.
The chicken pens were untouched.
I am sorry to say this is and has been 'domestic terrorism'. My friend has a dairy / goats and the things that have been done to her goats can't be described here.
Sadly, I started asking for tattooing info, and it fit here --- but after the duck massacre, maybe this should be in preds / pests?

I think your friend has a the right idea - to make so they can't sell her birds at auction.

But man, with all that going on, it would be hard not to lie in wait for them and blow them all away. It sounds more like personal harrassment than thievery to me. And i hope she has good locks on her doors to her house, 'cause i would be afraid that they were stupid and mean enough to come inside and bother her too. .. in which case i hope she DOES use a gun.
You can also load up the good old rock salt in the shotgun shells. Stings like H**L but it's far from deadly.

I would say though that is is high time for some modified gorilla warfare techniques. Dig holes about 2 feet deep and wide all over the place and cover them up with sheets or trash bags and put some leaf litter and a layer of dirt on them. Then place one of the water squirting scarecrow things as well as a simple battery operated solar LED motion light and if you can find one a motion alarm. If they make it into the field of booby traps when the light comes on and the alarm goes off and they get squirted they will take off running step into a pit and break an ankle or leg. I bet they won't come back for more. If that fails put lots of sharpened sticks in the holes you dug or just go with trip wires and claymores!
The police need to get on this.

I would say media too, but many times people who get satisfaction out of terrorism, love the attention. So, I wouldn't bring media in, personally.

You're friend needs to take serious action. People who harm animals are known to escalate in violence. I would take this as a personal threat.

You're friend needs to legally "post" her property. Which means looking up trespassing laws about how to make her property "posted". This means, anyone found or proven to be on her property she can sue for trespassing.

Next, you're friend needs surveillance cameras. This is a serious situation, like I said, I would respond to such behavior as a direct and personal threat. You're friend needs some means to prove these people are on her property and doing these things.

She also needs a B.A.D. If you are unsure what that is, it's a big butt dog. Something to let her know something is going on. DO NOT TETHER the dog where she can't see if from the house. The dog is an alarm, not a defense. I would HATE for something to happen to a dog.

Does she have a gun? I'd hate for the violence to escalate to put her in danger, she needs a form of self defence to use as a last resort if her life is put in direct danger.
Hi! Instead of dealing with her human predators like 'just another predator', she chose to follow the law and gets from Aiken Sherrifs Dept, 'yep, those are dead ducks'. I'm so sick for her and can't believe the nonchalance of the authorities.
The officer called to 'this latest' scene didn't even take pictures for evidence.
Some sicko neighbor, just decided to corner and throttle 10 ducks. 10 ducks --- and they (not that it matters) just happened to be ducks I hatched. It would be terrible if they were just 'ducks', but is terrible X10 since they were my ducks before they were her ducks.
She has 2 trained Great Pyrs and a GPyr youngster --- that are not trained NOT to eat food tossed across the fence (drugged food) , and they snooze happily through the invasions ---or else the trespassers couldn't get over the fences at all.

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Make sure your friend took pictures.

If they eventually catch the guy, pictures would be valuable evidence in court. Someone owes this person some serious money for dead and missing birds.

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