Teaching my kids a thing or 3............

i like that but i got a bottle wild irish rose sittin around here!
ok, hmmm glazed stuffed quail? about 6-8 depending on size


Green apple
lemon rind
golden raisins (about 30ish)
some precooked wild rice (say a cup, I use leftover from the night before)

lightly saute apple and raisins in 2 tbsp butter, untill soft apple and raisins are plumped (10 mins), pull from heat and toss with lemon zest, and rice, set aside.

in a measuring cup mix 4 tbsp honey and 1/2 C apple juice (or white wine), mix well.

Loosely stuff quail with rice mixture, and broil for 5 minutes, brush on honey & wine glaze, and cook to 160 degrees (tent with foil if it looks like the breast meat may dry out).
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Boyd when are the eggs due?
Oh, my recipe for quail is pretty simple. Take a can of cream of mushroom soup, add a little water, pour it over the whole quail and bake them until done. It is so good, makes me want to get rid of several quail just thinking about it.
I've been playing with a honey-almond glaze using mead instead of white wine, once I have that to where I like it I'll post it too. Right now I have 1/2 a ham to play with, apricot and walnut oil I'm thinking.

We should all have a quail cookout.
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Wow, those recipes sound great! I know they have a thread of recipes, but we need a stickied one here, exclusive to quail recipes!!
Right on Boyd, you are a God send. The work you took on is something not everyone is cut out to do, or has the patience for it.

Teaching kids where food comes from and how to produce it will always keep their bellies full.

Good job!!..................Jason
Most teachers want to go to Europe for the summer... I dream about driving an RV across the country to cook my friends dinners for a week.

Boyd want me to send a bottle of homebrew for the next time you "supervise"?

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