Tell Me About Fruit Butters...

details details!
how much sugar? how much pumpkin?
I need to do this... seriously you have NO idea how much I love pumpkin, and this sounds perfect!
any possibility of you sharing this recipe?
any possibility of you sharing this recipe?


And Apple butter too! (tis apple season!)
I have an apple butter recipe that does not take forever on the stove....and it's really good! Let me see if I can dig it out and put it on here....I got it off the internet a few years ago.
Found it quicker then I thought....

5 cups homemade apple pulp or applesauce
7 1/2 cups white sugar ( I use about six cups)
3 ounce envelope Certo fruit pectin
1 tsp ground cloves
2 tsps cinnamon

I use part brown sugar, usually about 2 cups.
I also put in a little bit of all spice, but you do not need to.

Mix apple pulp with sugar in large sauce pan
add spices and mix well over medium heat
when it reaches a full rolling boil, continue boiling for one minute
remove from heat
immediately add the Certo and stir for 5 minutes off of heat.
Fill jars and seal.
I make my apple butter in the oven. To me a good apple butter is much spicier and dryer and less sweet then applesauce. I start it on the stove then after its cooked almost long enough I switch it to big shallow pans in the oven to let the extra moisture evaporate. Then I bottle it up and either can it or freeze. Very good on toast, biscuits, pancakes, in sandwich cookies, and the list just goes on.
I've made apple butter from what was left of the apples after I juiced them in a steam juicer. They were still sweet and I added cinnamon and just stirred and stirred and stirred until they were the color of maran eggs and thick and smelled divine!

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