Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

Talked with lots of friends, found out about the magic of heating pads, and found several things I was looking for.
So cute ducklings hatched out today by Mrs. Duck and Nana one of our goats had twins also!!
and I made some new friends!
Libby is great Rob!!!! She is really enjoying spending her days indoors out of this heat! Spoiled chicken. ;) love her to pieces! Can't wait until the others are big enough to put them all in the coop unsupervised! She's just being bossy and picking on the little sisters. Ehh.. They will all work it out in time.
Libby is great Rob!!!! She is really enjoying spending her days indoors out of this heat! Spoiled chicken.
love her to pieces! Can't wait until the others are big enough to put them all in the coop unsupervised! She's just being bossy and picking on the little sisters. Ehh.. They will all work it out in time.

Kim has taken a liking to Libby's brother. it was too funny. Kim opened the door at 6am the other day and Libby's brother came in. hopped up on top of the incubator and started watching the weather report. When Kim came back in from getting her coffee she screamed. ( She had already told me that the chicks in the house had to go ) well to make a long story short.. Kim now calls it " TV CHICK" even though it is a roo. and wants two stands made to put on each side of the couch with a litter pan under them so she can spoil a pair of the new RIR chicks hatched sunday.
so the great part is. not only do I have a GF now.. but she has been exposed to the "chick symplex" so I do not hear about how bad I am about having chicks in the house. well as much anyway. now she just wants them re-located out of the living room. which is fine with me because she has turned the living room into a meat cooler with that A/C unit.

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