Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

The boss's boss was giving me a hard time all morning about our month-end close (accounting/inventory stuff). I went to lunch bummed and when I got back, I had JUST called a vendor about an invoice issue when the he called again. "I need you to check on this asap and get back to me before the end of the day."
"Oh, you mean inv #..... for $..... ? It's all taken care of. I'm emailing you the details right now."

I'm not often a step ahead of him, but I love when that happens!
Well today I went to the Y, walked a mile on the treadmill, then took my very first ever belly dance class, oh my! lol
It was great fun, but I was not very good at it, I will learn though. Then I swam laps for 15 minutes. Sat in hot tub and then had lunch with my sister, her husband, our dad and a couple of my sister's friends.
My DH took the doors off the guest bedroom I am currently living in and my someday office. I can get my wheelchair from the bedroom to the office and even sit in my comfy computer chair. Excited! There have been many happy milestones since I broke myself, but this one means that I can see my chickens out the window!

(broke my leg on 6-12, the day after we closed on the house)
My very special DH just got a new job that looks to be very long term! Hes already been promoted to Foreman and its a lot less physically strenuous hard work then what he was doing before. I'm very proud of him! :)
No more worrying about if were gonna loose the house to the bank!!!
I did it! I drove the 27 - 30 foot food truck all by myself today!!
I'd had 3 days training, about an hour each day. I drive a small car, so this is huge!
I even backed into parking spaces and out of them etc!!
And when I got in it all alone today, I took off in it like an ole hat at it!
Fed 160 kids today.
I did it! I drove the 27 - 30 foot food truck all by myself today!!
I'd had 3 days training, about an hour each day. I drive a small car, so this is huge!
I even backed into parking spaces and out of them etc!!
And when I got in it all alone today, I took off in it like an ole hat at it!
Fed 160 kids today.
I got my wedding favors, in tact.

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