Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

My DH let me bring a sick hen into the house over night & he didnt even bat an eye. Then we took the kids out to dinner to celebrate good report cards & our daughter being accepted into a college!
I finished my chemistry homework.
It was quite hard too, so I am somewhat grimly pleased.

Apart from that, it's not only been an uneventful but also quite a frustrating day.
After a day of heavy rain, I went out and checked the tarp over my chicken bellies!
My phone took a video of the inside of my pocket, at some point in the last few days. When I saw it, I said, out loud in my empty house "Ahhh, film extra-noir" but since no one heard it, I went downstairs and posted it on Facebook.
I got 8 eggs out of 15 hens today. That was great. I had to take the layer feed out of their diet, it had caused a very large slump in my egg count over the last month. I also spent a lot of hours with my DW. I don't get that many hours with her due to work schedule right now.
I had one of these best days in my life today, I decided I was going to go buy more Trader Joe's "fertile" eggs to incubate but was in no hurry so I took the bus. I only meant to help a guy load his bike onto the bike carrier of the bus, well I found myself helping anyone that accepted help lol. I helped an elderly lady find the right bus, which was mine and she talked non-stop all the way but I did't mind...I just knodded and said yes dear. I paid a poor guys fair, consoled a girl who had gotten in an argument with her boyfriend, helped this couple with their stroller, had a funny face challenge with a little boy who I believe has autism (that was the best), nothing like the innoscence of youth...gotta love it!!! Had a short conversation with a woman in a wheelchair, she must have the best sense of humor...I could not stop laughing and I'm a shy and timid person by nature. It just snow balled from there. I got so much love in return today that I could bottle it up and sell it at farmers market...j/k. I am so grateful these people came into my life, they probably don't realise how special they are? And I did buy my 3 dozen eggs and had 2 blue wheaten marans eggs and 1 from my aseels waiting for me in the pens :D
Pet Peddler, that sounds absolutely awesome! I couldn't imagine being game enough to do most of that stuff, but having a chat with some lonely old soul while out on the paper round is pretty nice too. :p

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