Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

My boss complimented me on a job well done last week while he was out of town. He told me it is like there are two different Debi's. Yeah there is. The one you picked apart at the seams with horrid emails and micromanaged into walking on egg shells, and then there is the one that you finally decided to leave alone til the project is done. Guess what? POBODYS NERFECT!!! And when given the opportunity to work it through to the end, the results are usually gonna be pretty stellar.


My husband lost his cell phone last night at Wal-Mart. Not a good thing, it's prepaid and had 800 min. on it. Got a call a little before 3 today from the phone. A young guy had found the phone and was letting me know that it would be at the service desk. Amazing. And he only used it to call the extra calls.

So, got the phone back and found a very honest person! This is a very good thing!
I swear to all that is good, this crap can only happen here. Apple Valley police called the general manager and told him that the Bank of America in Apple Valley was robbed and the thieves made their getaway on the bus. The police department is holding down all the buses to search for them.

The economy is totally in the tank if bank robbers can't even afford a getaway car.

The good thing in this? I haven't been able to stop laughing for hours now.
I swear to all that is good, this crap can only happen here. Apple Valley police called the general manager and told him that the Bank of America in Apple Valley was robbed and the thieves made their getaway on the bus. The police department is holding down all the buses to search for them.

The economy is totally in the tank if bank robbers can't even afford a getaway car.

The good thing in this? I haven't been able to stop laughing for hours now.

Will they be able to get a transfer ?

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