Tell us about your silent roos!


10 Years
May 31, 2009
Cobleskill NY
Does anyone out there have a silent, or nearly silent rooster?

I would love to know what breeds (if any) are more prone to this, and moreover, does anybody have one for sale?

Pics are always enjoyable...
HA HA! Good luck with that! I think it's just the luck of the draw. Actually, I believe that keeping just one rooster keeps them from crowing constantly. If there's another roo nearby they like to have crowing competitons. I thought I'd be lucky with mine, but as time when on, my rooster's crow got REALLY LOUD!
I was curious if dominance had an effect on volume as well. It would be my luck that I'd bring a quiet fellow into the city, and he would get so excited at his new harem that he'd never shut up!

I've heard whispers of them on here though, and I think someone is working on a silent roo project... I'm not giving up! ha ha.
I had a 2 year old pheonix Roo given to me. He is as predator proof as a chicken gets.(Woods Smart) He hadn't ever been caged.My son let him ride on his lap on the way home. I had him for 3 months and he never maid a peep. Then my baby's grew up and started crowing and the big guy had to try it. He sounded worst than the teenagers. I gave him to a friend to help protect his flock of free rangers from a red tail that took a cat. ......I love hearing my roo's crow. I have 8 roo's to 11 hens.
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i have a 9 month old silent EE roo.... i have two other crowing roos and he hasnt done anything.....idk why i was concerned then i considered myself lucky because i have two other crowers but they dont do it often just a couple times in the morning.
I have a docile roo that was hand-raised and comes to his name. He's an EE. He's a lap dog, and laughs when we laugh!

He only crows about an hour after sun up, 5 o 6 times, and then one or two times a day outside. I'm home all day, so I can hear him. He will crow like mad if he's in the house, and he has to be, because I have to hand feed him (bad cross-beak).

I'm totally thinking about a silent roo project- it's brilliant!!
I can send you some eggs, but better make it quick- he's actually not well this past week- he may have a punctured crop from tube feeding at the vet's. I've put all of the eggs in the incubator every day.

He's just the sweetest thing in the world, and if I lose him it will be a loss for many reasons- but I don't want the quiet gene to get lost, too!!

He talks- makes a cute specific noise for each of the family members, and another for each of the dogs- the giant cat has his own noise, too! I'm going to record him tomorrow, because I think it's fascinating how he differentiates between us all. He is very keen and knows 'his' dogs from the others that walk past our house all day (very busy neighborhood in the middle of town).

We're not supposed to have roos here, but he's so quiet no one has made the connection- his couple of crows during the day aren't noticeable above the street noise, and his morning crows are muffled by the coop.

I am hatching his eggs with the EE who is currently laying, a banty Cochin, and with a Buttercup- I can't wait to see them! I have 3 that hatched 5 days ago with the Cochin, and they're adorable!

He's not. He is ugly because the vet accidentally broke his lower beak and it's very sad. The rest of him is gorgeous, though!


I haven't any full-body shots, and the following isn't him, but nearly identical to him- my boy has a beefier breast.

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