Tell your 'what the heck was that thing?' scary story

tiffanyh- I loved your stories, I dont doubt that you were communicating with your grandpa. who's to say otherwise, you know when you know.......
No, I swear I am not making it up. I'm too old to be making up stories like that, lol. I swear on my precious kitties and chicken's lives this is a real memory for me. Now, I'd think it was likely my imagination if it weren't for the fact that my father saw it and shot at it. I'm not saying it was a "Manticore", I honestly don't believe mythical creatures exist, it just isn't logical to me. But it did look exactly like the drawings I posted. I don't know what it was, all I know is it's the strangest thing I've ever seen in my life.

I believe you completely! All myths lie upon some basis of truth...according to history...history is something that has been proven! ha- theres the logic!
I was outside about 10 minutes ago and I heard a strange scream. It sounded like a mixture between a cat and an eagle and it was really loud. I know I didn't imagine it because my GSL's in their run put their heads up and cried and my EE's and Cochin (who were free ranging) ran for a hiding spot. I'm pretty sure it wasn't an eagle or a cat. I've heard both their screams, this was different.
Any ideas on what it was? I live in the suburbs and it's about 6:00 here.
You live in northern California, and you ask US what's scary there?

100's of ghost stories about your area...just pick one. Then stay inside,
bolt the doors, stay away from the windows and wait until tomorrow.

You'll be safer then.

Pay no attention the screams of your neighbors...
There's been a report of one little girl ghost down the street, but the owners of that house I guess are just used to her. And it wasn't a human scream, either...
I'm interested yet terrified to find out if it was a weird animal cry or a paranormal thing.
Ghosts were only once human, my friend.

Prehaps the last sound the little girl before dying was a scream.
But the spirits are no longer human...

The cries the make, no longer of our world.
The vengence they seek...beyond our courts.

The only sure way to fing out what screamed in your
would go for a walk. In the dark. Alone...

Please don't do's not worth the price it may very well cost.
Pfft. I go for a walk every night- to the chicken coop to lock it up and then back to the house again

Though the girl from the house down the street says the girl is always jumping rope. But maybe she screams in her free time.
I was out on devils night with my mom at the graveyard.
it was a spook walk. a bunch of people showed up including a medium.

we walked around for awhile.
then we caught up with the medium. they were at chuck olds's grave.
she was communicating with him.

when i thought we were going home we met up with all the other people.
my mom asked the people who went to the catholic cemetery what happened.
they said they smellled an awful smell. like rotting flesh.

We went with the medium to the catholic side along with a bunch of other people.

when we got close we smelled a bad smell.
the medium told us to stay behind her.
i did for a while. she said it was a demon spreading its energy around so she couldnt find it.
a bunch of chills went up me and a ladys backs but no one elses.
i walked away from the others.
there were alot of leaves on the ground and i heard them rustle like a dog was running through them. i looked over towards the noise but there wasnothing there.
the chills on my spine went berzurk.
i ran back to the others and told them.
then later when we were out of the catholic cemetery meeting up again, i told the medium.
she said i might have heard the devils three headed dog. it totally scared me.
It seems we have one among us who is a non believer.

Yet...she has read the stories.
She knows the truth.

And somewhere deep in her soul, she knows our words are
true. For there is another side, another place, another time.

For her, perhaps it is safe to walk out at the edge of dark and
lock the coop. But to walk down her same street at the witching it just as safe?

Be assured...there is another side out there.

Don't go looking for something you aren't prepared to find...

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