Tell your 'what the heck was that thing?' scary story

About a month ago i was watching tv in my room, when i heard a noise outside, i got my flashlight and went outside to investigate. i looked around and saw nothing, but when i looked again, i saw 3 eyes shining back at me about 200 feet away, all 3 of them blinked at the same time so i ran inside to get my .22 and when i got back it was gone, and as i was walking inside my house, i heard these kind of deep clicking sounds coming from that direction
I am seriously freaked out, now!!! Being a person with a major case of achluphobia (fear of the dark), I may not be the best person to be reading this... but I do love a good scary story...
Okay... this happened about a month ago. I think it's worth reliving.

The Sound
I was in my brother's room one night. I had decided I wanted to play a prank on him. I hid in the closet, and when he came back from the kitchen and got back in bed and was nice and comfy, I put my fingernails to the wall, and scratched back and forth making a "scraw, scraw, scraw, scraw" sound.

My brother flung himself out of bed and ran to my room, panicked. I went to the bathroom, flushed the toilet, and came out, as if I was in the bathroom that whole time. (Sneaky, I know.) My brother was pale and white-faced. "Hannah! I heard a... a sound coming from my closet!" he gasped.

I never did fess up to him that it was me, but I sure paid dearly for doing that to him: late one night, midnight, 12:08, the exact time that I did that to Tim, the same sound that I made with my fingernails sounded in my room! At first, I thought it was my brother, figuring he had figured out that it was me, but then it hit me *SMACK* in the face: my brother wasn't here; he was at a slumber party!

My other family members were dead asleep. The sound came again, and I saw two center-less milky eyes, like that of a dead thing, staring at me from the closet!

It did that for a few times more, then, (to my GREAT relief!), the sound never came again.

Now is that creepy or WHAT?!
Okay... this happened about a month ago. I think it's worth reliving.

The Sound
I was in my brother's room one night. I had decided I wanted to play a prank on him. I hid in the closet, and when he came back from the kitchen and got back in bed and was nice and comfy, I put my fingernails to the wall, and scratched back and forth making a "scraw, scraw, scraw, scraw" sound.

My brother flung himself out of bed and ran to my room, panicked. I went to the bathroom, flushed the toilet, and came out, as if I was in the bathroom that whole time. (Sneaky, I know.) My brother was pale and white-faced. "Hannah! I heard a... a sound coming from my closet!" he gasped.

I never did fess up to him that it was me, but I sure paid dearly for doing that to him: late one night, midnight, 12:08, the exact time that I did that to Tim, the same sound that I made with my fingernails sounded in my room! At first, I thought it was my brother, figuring he had figured out that it was me, but then it hit me *SMACK* in the face: my brother wasn't here; he was at a slumber party!

My other family members were dead asleep. The sound came again, and I saw two center-less milky eyes, like that of a dead thing, staring at me from the closet!

It did that for a few times more, then, (to my GREAT relief!), the sound never came again.

Now is that creepy or WHAT?!
Hey all! I like to think I'm an open-minded, thinking out of the box kind of lady, lol.

I've read many times (but not lately, hmm) about ball lightning. There is definitely something or somethings out there that we percieve as balls of energy. Old timers in Europe told stories about Will-o-wisps. There's something lurking in the dark.

The house we live now was only built in 2006, but it's on land - land that has had two wars fought on it. There were deer hanging out when we first moved here, so if I thought I saw something, I would look up. Either I've grown used to the "man running across the yard" or he is a Summer phenomonem (spelling is not my strong point). There is also a man that stands in my side yard and watches me gardening or caring for the chickens. I think the first man is just a "recording" of a traumatic event. The second man is some sort of ghost or other spirit.

I often have dreams where I "talk to dead people". I fully believe that "properly passed over" people can visit friends and relatives. When we first moved here the house seemed busy. Even my kids saw and felt things. "Mom! There was a guy standing in the foyer!" I told her it was a relative and not to worry. My son talks to his angel in his room at night.

One night I had put the birds to bed and slowed down to take a picture of the night sky. I was rather surprised to see my photo with a large orb in the center! It was not a reflection.
Uh, moon Duh?!

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