
Believer and countrygirl, I think you misunderstood! I feed a layer pellet to all my birds, a 21% from LC Feeds because the price is right and has smaller easier to swallow pellets IMO. The rooster booster is just an extra I give to them, not alot just a few handfuls to get them out of the way while I pour the feed in the feeders
it's hard otherwise because they fly at me trying to get the feed out of my hands. It's just a better SCRATCH! Here's a photo:

I was wondering why you were suggesting a co-op! LOL!
When we first started out we were buying scratch and layer feed at TSC, then we found that co-op was cheaper. Well I was looking around online and found LC feeds and now will never go anywhere else! She's a nice lady and knows me well now, they've left the door unlocked and waited past closing just for me to get a bag of food because I was out! When we bought the scratch at Lc for the first time and opened it and saw the HUGE difference between the stuff we were buying we decided it was worth the $13 to feed to our chickens, and they seemed to like it better.
150 chickens...my husband would LOVE me if I only had 150 chickens
I will be back down there by fall when all the chicks have grown and culled out most.
Rooster Booster is almost like my scratch which is a higher protein scratch with vitamins and minerals added..all kinds of yummies in there if your a chicken.Mine's made locally at our feed mill I think it's about $9.50 now the prices of feed keep going up
i know over the last year at the crump flea market had some polish chickens there.

I have driven through Crump. The entire town looks like one GIANT flea market.
I keep telling the garden manager here at the Academy that we need to sell veggies there, but I wouldn't even know which one to start at. I wonder if the TSC in Savannah will get in any Polish?
i know over the last year at the crump flea market had some polish chickens there.

I have driven through Crump. The entire town looks like one GIANT flea market.
I keep telling the garden manager here at the Academy that we need to sell veggies there, but I wouldn't even know which one to start at. I wonder if the TSC in Savannah will get in any Polish?

the crumpflea market in the middle of iton rt 64 heading west. It has a stop light in middle u make a left hand turn and then u bear to the right and then u would see a hear the animals
I have driven through Crump. The entire town looks like one GIANT flea market.
I keep telling the garden manager here at the Academy that we need to sell veggies there, but I wouldn't even know which one to start at. I wonder if the TSC in Savannah will get in any Polish?

the crumpflea market in the middle of iton rt 64 heading west. It has a stop light in middle u make a left hand turn and then u bear to the right and then u would see a hear the animals

I will have to check it out. Thanks for the directions.
Guys sorry but I have not read through this thread. I was just wondering if anyone was going down to either show coming up in GA Dalton or Newnan. I will be in Dalton but Newnan is a 5 hr drive I would love a road trip buddy for either. And if we split the fuel cost it will be more efficiant for both. I have a friend we can stay over night with in Marrietta so no hotel is needed. I will not be showing if I do go to Newnan I don't want the added stress on birds of the overnight trip in this weather.
email me if interested.

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