
I wish I could find a better feed. The one I feed is 16% protein and costs $10.95. The CO-OP brand is cheaper and I can get higher protein,but the pellets are so large,the chickens don't like it.
I just got my incubator

If only I could convince DH to let me put eggs into it
Well Lord, girl, whatcha gonna do with it? Set a lamp on it??
Getcha some eggs, quick!!! There are lots of us who aren't hatching what's laid right now. Somebody on here will surely find you some eggs.

(Glad it came in, BTW . . . )
You are a better woman than I if you can resist the lure of the empty bator, especially a new one.

Tell honey that you need to do some test hatches to make sure it is working properly.
I know I've posted this before but a reminder for stangelover
It's easier to ask for and receive forgiveness than permission
An empty bator is so lonely and look at all that money you spent...got to see how well it works now.
Use the line..."test eggs"
I will be posting the proposed Cookeville meet up shortly.I'm busy all Feb and with the meetup in March possible I'm thinking April no later than first weekend in May-rest of my May is full of Birthdays and Girl Scout events.
I have Olive and Easter Eggers..FBCM Roo with several true Ameraucana and 2 EE hens-non hatchery before this week I was hatching 100% feather legged OE but finally got a clean legged chick I should have some Blue Rocks shortly-better or else
They are laying like crazy all winter but out free ranging. I could let you test out some from my free rangers..may hatch Blue Rocks like crazy all of my blue and barred hens are out there with my blue barred roo and my splash rock roo also out there are some great laying mixes-sex links and others Sport Marans and for Roos other than the 2 blue a Buff Rock,RIR,RIR/Leghorn,and EE-not hatchery I have eggs coming out of my ears since no one could buy any last week..your welcome to all you want of those...he cant complain when the eggs are so cheap

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