
Sorry, hit submit before I was done. I also want to raise some chicks and see what I get. I also have a Gold Laced Orpington. Will probably have to many to keep so keep me in mind. I'm just off I26 south of Kingsport.

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Im also tired of the rain!!! Been working on getting a goat fence up since summer, at first the ground was to dry now its too wet!!! Ugghhh

My boot sprang a leak today, so now it is gross stinky water in the boot which will quickly become a gross stinky boot! At least it is warm and we don't have frozen water. A little bit of sun would really be nice.
TN momma bear,
Hi there.
TSC has Chick days starting The last weekend of February. Most TSC allows Chicken swaps in their parkinglots. That is where I go to buy, sell or trade my English Orpingtons. I am a hobbiest and not a business. But I had to look at my hobby several ways.
I love:
Beautiful fluffiness of English Orpingtons & Cochins.
Sweet tempers of English Orpingtons & Cochins.
Beautiful roundness of the English Orpington & Cochin Good number of eggs of an Orpington & Eng Orps.

I don't like The feathered feet of the Cochin. They can not run fast in the grass for their own protection. I live in the southwest corner of Virginia, it gets cold and wet here a lot. I like to free range even though my runs are large. A 10x 20 for a roo and 2-3 girls. A 20x20 for a roo and 4-6 girls. Need the size of Large Fowl adult Eng Orps.

I realized Cochin have their place and this wet cold mountain is not it. I have one Cochin Bantam girl left. She got to stay bc I am attached to her.
I realized Orpingtons have their place But their feathering certainly is not as beautiful and fluffy as an English Orpington. And the size is not there, a hawk can not just take off with an adult English Orpington.
That is why I switched from no kill Fly-Tie chicken varieties to English Orpingtons as a hobby. Oh, men into Fly-Tie fishing will pay for feathers collected from no kill Fly-Tie Chickens, I prefer the English Orpingtons for temperment, amount of eggs, & beauty over all else. My first English Orpingtons and Cochins were here just to be a broody hens for my beautiful Fly-Tie Birds. But slowly they replaced my beautiful Fly Tie.
I hope you consider English Orpingtons as your broody hen instead of the feather footed Cochin. Cochins are beautiful and they are broody hens but so are English Orpingtons.
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I use game hens along with bantam hens for my brooder hens. They are very protective as mothers and very smart when it comes to showing the diddles how to forge and survive. I have one game hens that I would think take any cash for her ever. She has fought hawks, dogs and cats away from her babies she is the best. Had lost one hen to a hawk that had 14 diddles and that game hens took them on top of the 11 she had. She never lost a one...but TSC has good chick's but not top bloodlines. I use TSC to get ones for my barnyard mix just for the meat and eggs. I'm looking to maybe start a small business so I can help make income to provide for the family. Since it's hard to work an out of home job with 4 children and the farm.. but I'm glad I joined BYC. I've met lots of great ppl. Ty all for the info and advice it is very helpful.

I use game hens along with bantam hens for my brooder hens. They are very protective as mothers and very smart when it comes to showing the diddles how to forge and survive. I have one game hens that I would think take any cash for her ever. She has fought hawks, dogs and cats away from her babies she is the best. Had lost one hen to a hawk that had 14 diddles and that game hens took them on top of the 11 she had. She never lost a one...but TSC has good chick's but not top bloodlines. I use TSC to get ones for my barnyard mix just for the meat and eggs. I'm looking to maybe start a small business so I can help make income to provide for the family. Since it's hard to work an out of home job with 4 children and the farm.. but I'm glad I joined BYC. I've met lots of great ppl. Ty all for the info and advice it is very helpful.
Your welcome. I am not far from you.
I use my English Orpingtons to Broody for me. One girl can hatch out for 3 girls easily.
I appreciate your input...
Sending you an ovation to get you started.

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