
Hi everyone. Does anyone know if all of the farmers coops and tractor supplies order from the same hatcheries? My husband is wanting to get a few ducks and turkies to raise up as meat birds. I'm not use to buying hatchery birds. Any advice on this????
Hey y'all were from Tennessee between Chattanooga and Nashville
. We have 6 Bantams 4 new Cuckoo Marans chicks + 16 chicks 5 easter egger Bantams 5 Mille Fleur 3 cinnamon queens and 3 golden comments shew
. Right now we're getting about 4 mini eggs a day. I'm so happy to have found the BYC.
Hey y'all were from Tennessee between Chattanooga and Nashville
. We have 6 Bantams 4 new Cuckoo Marans chicks + 16 chicks 5 easter egger Bantams 5 Mille Fleur 3 cinnamon queens and 3 golden comments shew
. Right now we're getting about 4 mini eggs a day. I'm so happy to have found the BYC.

Hi. Welcome. This is a great site. I've learned so much from these amazing ppl. So much helpful great advice. I hope you enjoy it and get as much from it as I have.
They only have chicks at the TSC and COOP, some may be pullets, bit they will be less than 3 weeks old usually

We are just looking for healthy chickens that will be good layers of eggs of various colors, and calm enough to tolerate small children. Only looking for four or five for now and also thinking to get each one a different breed.
Hey y'all were from Tennessee between Chattanooga and Nashville
. We have 6 Bantams 4 new Cuckoo Marans chicks + 16 chicks 5 easter egger Bantams 5 Mille Fleur 3 cinnamon queens and 3 golden comments shew
. Right now we're getting about 4 mini eggs a day. I'm so happy to have found the BYC.

Welcome we are new also. Everyone has been friendly and helpful here.
Hi everyone. Does anyone know if all of the farmers coops and tractor supplies order from the same hatcheries? My husband is wanting to get a few ducks and turkies to raise up as meat birds. I'm not use to buying hatchery birds. Any advice on this????

Hey y'all were from Tennessee between Chattanooga and Nashville
. We have 6 Bantams 4 new Cuckoo Marans chicks + 16 chicks 5 easter egger Bantams 5 Mille Fleur 3 cinnamon queens and 3 golden comments shew
. Right now we're getting about 4 mini eggs a day. I'm so happy to have found the BYC.

Welcome we are new also. Everyone has been friendly and helpful here.
Welcome all the new people! For any that are in Middle Tennessee, there is also a middle Tennessee Thread. There are quite a few people on here that are actually small breeders and some have specialties; like ducks, rare breed chickens, heritage breeds, etc. You are not stuck with hatchery birds if you want something different. No matter which place you purchase your chicks, be sure they act healthy and lively. If you see dead ones in the brooder, I would move on to another place (sometimes seen at TSC's and the like). There are lots of great birds available! Also, just ask and someone may have just what you are looking for!

Welcome again!
Welcome all the new people! For any that are in Middle Tennessee, there is also a middle Tennessee Thread. There are quite a few people on here that are actually small breeders and some have specialties; like ducks, rare breed chickens, heritage breeds, etc. You are not stuck with hatchery birds if you want something different. No matter which place you purchase your chicks, be sure they act healthy and lively. If you see dead ones in the brooder, I would move on to another place (sometimes seen at TSC's and the like). There are lots of great birds available! Also, just ask and someone may have just what you are looking for!

Welcome again!:welcome

Thank you so much for the info. My husband is wanting some turkeys to raise up that we can use as meat to place in our freezer this winter. And some meat bred ducks. We ain't picky just want heavy meat birds. Eggs are fine as I do have an incabator or chicks. Thanks for the help.
Thank you so much for the info. My husband is wanting some turkeys to raise up that we can use as meat to place in our freezer this winter. And some meat bred ducks. We ain't picky just want heavy meat birds. Eggs are fine as I do have an incabator or chicks. Thanks for the help.
I know there are people on the Middle Tennessee thread that have turkeys and ducks, but if I remember correctly from my 17 years living in Maryville, you are in upper east TN. It there an East Tennessee/Virginia/or N. Carolina thread that is closer to you than all the way over to the middle of the state?

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