
Where did you get your Swedish Flower hens? I have just set some eggs to hatch. Looking forward to adding them to my flock.
Where did you get your Swedish Flower hens? I have just set some eggs to hatch. Looking forward to adding them to my flock.
My original breeding stock was from Walli Johnson and Barb Bartel's German line (Dale Fisher). Since then I've added stock from Lisa Flower, Carmela Migliori, Leigh Schilling, Denise Parker and Amanda Bennett. I think I have pretty good diversity for a rare breed! Most of mine are non-crested.
Hey y'all were from Tennessee between Chattanooga and Nashville
. We have 6 Bantams 4 new Cuckoo Marans chicks + 16 chicks 5 easter egger Bantams 5 Mille Fleur 3 cinnamon queens and 3 golden comments shew
. Right now we're getting about 4 mini eggs a day. I'm so happy to have found the BYC.
Welcome to BYC! Sounds like you're around my neck of the woods!
Thank you so much for the info. My husband is wanting some turkeys to raise up that we can use as meat to place in our freezer this winter. And some meat bred ducks. We ain't picky just want heavy meat birds. Eggs are fine as I do have an incabator or chicks. Thanks for the help.
msmeower has turkey eggs! I just got a dozen from her not long ago. She has some gorgeous birds and is a pleasure to do business with.
Hey all, I am in Humphreys county, about 35-40 mins west of Nashville off I-40.
I dont have a large stock/flock, but do incubate the eggs.
11- mixed coturnix
1 -bobwhite (bad year)
6- Golden Pheasant
4- Ring Necks

In saying that, I am looking for some more Bobwhites if anyone knows of some chicks in reasonable distance as I had a bad season and lost most of my Bobs.

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