
NellaBean, here's Baxter, Sofie, Zena, and Polly peeking out of their coop. Even fresh kale couldn't coax them out into the snow yesterday morning! LOL


The Sebastopol geese, on the other hand, don't mind the snow and cold.


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Well I guess its slush and muck
here and there,and
plenty cold. My cochins ,Orps , ameraucanas and the silkies
love it .But I
Making some
warm oatmeal for the bunch
because they sure are doing a good
job of making my breakfast

But I ..Cant wait for some warm weather.
That's cute Laurie. My cochin girls were out and about this morning, for some scratch. They'll do anything to get out of the coop, even walk on snow! ha....


This was the first time this dog has been out with the chickens. I think he wants to be a chicken when he grows up.
I opened the door to their run this morning and the chicks came rushing out.... And stopped and looked, then hopped over to a spot that was not snowed in. Then relaxed and started running around everywhere. I came back to the house and stood looking out the back door and here they all marched up to the back steps and stood looking back at me. When I started laughing, they turned around and marched, single file, back to the area of their run. Where was my camera? Over at my moms. They are so funny.
You look like you got alot less snow than we did! Lucky you! They still didn't come out of their coop today. LOL Baxter wasn't happy when I went in to collect eggs. I guess they think I should do something about all the snow.

Sorry! lol.

I hope everyone has power back too. this storm was a doosey. My friend in Maryland said the roads were bad where she is,and they just got over that big blizzard
Im staying warm and have the flock
enjoying their warm oatmeal
I gave them an extra treat today.
Stay warm everyone and safe. our back roads are a mess.
My grandpa had to tow my car out of my driveway this morning, lol! other than that, the roads arent too bad here....at least, not in the city limits...
Hi everyone!
I live in Finger, Tn which is South of Henderson. I've got Rhode Island reds, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, and Black Australorps. I have a hen which will not stop brooding! My husband doesn't want me to have a roo, anyone got fertile eggs she can sit on? I also have 95 goats or so, and plan to get some guineas! Am I nuts or what? Just love the critters! Hot2Pot

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