
Am looking to retire in Tennessee , absolutely love it there,...... however have found out that many communities that do NOT allow backyard flocks.This is a bit upsetting, hard to imagine that here in WI, even in the capitol of Madison, CITY dwellers may still have a backyard flock. So-- guess my question for all in TN is What areas DO allow backyard flocks without ridiculous restrictions?? Thanks to all in advance.

Nashville has a no-roosters policy and you have to get a permit, but i don't remember the details.
Clarksville patterned theirs on Nashville's: owner-occupied property only, 6 hens max/no roo's, and the coop/run need to be inspected by code enforcement who issue the permit here (costs $50).
Do they allow chickens in Sevierville city limits?? I have been looking at homes in that area--- so many NICE places have restrictions-- so no birds.. maybe you can let me know, what you know? Thanks!
Hey-- looking to move to possibly Dandridge. Was looking to build, but SO many new subdivisions have restriction that DONT allow backyard flocks. Crazy , because many of these lots back up to hayfields!! is it like that all over there, or do they allow them in most areas?? I WONT buy a home if I cant keep my birds.. Thanks for any info.
If you live just outside city limits, there are no restrictions. Tn is a farming state but your major bigger cities will not let you own livestock in city. We live 5 miles out of town no biggie. One thing though do NOT buy a home without seeing it in person. There is no law here on what the photographer can show on the property. Most shots are of views looking off the property and are Not the property. There has been more than one lawsuit from those buying out of state do to this since this is not legal in many states but it is here. So what can look like a nice flat place can truly be a steep hill and in bad condition. I would suggest renting and looking in person like we did before buying out of state.
Thankyou so much... It would be tempting to purchase without going to see the actual property without looking , even though I send my realtor out. But in the end , the 13 hour drive would be a snap, compared to buying a hideous ptrperty. Thanks ever so much again. What state are you from??

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