
Hi everyone! We're in east Tennessee (Monroe County). Our current crew consists of a Salmon Faverolle hen, Sapphire Plymouth Rock hen, Easter Egger roo (was supposed to be a female🤦), and a Silkie roo. We'll soon be looking to expand our small flock since we need more girls now. We also have a male and female pekin and 3 Khakis (1 is male). I'm told we should add a few girls to this group also.
Hello from west Tennessee (Henderson County). Welcome to BYC. There's a lot here to look over; enjoy. My family consists of-wife Kimmi, 5 dogs, 7 new puppies, 3 mini white turkeys, 10 serama and progeny, 4 longtail chickens and 4 progeny, and myself, Dan.

Looking to add homing pigeons in the spring.
Been crazy busy here with the construction of our house. Coop isn't built yet or I might have been able to help home a few. Good luck to you.
The weather prevents it now, as I plan to lay a concrete foundation .
Still here...Still have my flock here. It seems everyone wanted my hens but I decided not to let them all go because it seems (around my area anyway) that no one wanted just roosters (except for stew). But all mine were hand raised (most all of them are friendly & more like pets); so, I figured it would be better if I offered a few females with at least one roo-might help me find good homes for “all” of them.

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