
Thank you!!! I'll definitely check those areas out, 7 ac with a pond sounds like my absolute dream!! You don't need roommates, do you?
LOL, Mine was like $160 with a very large barn. Now you could try Franklin but it is a little higher and Brentwood is higher then that. Springfield is just maybe 10 miles down the road but I would not live there, now I do shop there and like it a lot. A friend lives on the other side of Springfield and she has a very nice place(5 acs.). As most places some are more high class then others and some places are better then others that are a block or so apart. Come on down and look around. Better yet go to www.Realtracs.com to help you out. I was on that site before I found this place but that was 5 years ago and there are a lot more places for sale now. Wish you lots of luck and have a great day

I did get the place because of the barn and the land. The house is small but there is only me DH and lots of animals
i've got two cockerels for sale. both are EEs, hatched out of blue eggs from my birds (you can see pics of my EEs here). they are nothing fancy, parents are from Ideal hatchery. they were both hen raised and have been on grass since they were 4 weeks.

the older one was born on May 9th (10 weeks) and he looks like he's going to be an almost perfect copy of my EE roo Percy.

the younger one was born May 28 (8 weeks) and is black and white (actually looking a lot like Marbles, the roo i sold to possumblossum).

i'm asking $4 each or $6 for both. ideally, i'd like someone to take them that wants to keep a roo around rather than someone who wants them for dinner (if they stay here, they are destined for the freezer because i definitely don't need any more EE roos).

i'm also VERY open to a trade of some sort, especially if someone has sexed pullet chicks!
Thanks guys, this is all super, super helpful! I'm hoping to plan another trip over there in a month or so to scope all these places out. Though, even with the rock slide on 40 FINALLY fixed, we STILL got stuck in that section for several hours in traffic both going and coming back from Nashville last weekend when we went to visit friends. The one lane business right around where the rock slide happened, in combination with the grade, curves and tractor trailers makes that section miserable. Need to find a new route for sure.

I'm confused a tad... (you are about to see how "away" I am from civilization)

TSC lets you trade livestock on their property?! Aren't their legal technicalities envolved?

Either way, I'll be at the trade by the East TN Feed & Seed in Madisonville on Saturday morning.... I'm taking as many of my bantams as I can fit in the car. (I only sell bantams at these shows because I have no control over who buys them... so my standard roos won't ever be there)

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