
Holly I may know of a kitten for you let me check it out it has been handled ALOT by a 3yo so very tame might be just right. By the way if you happen to find any exchequers let me know.
Yeah those checkers are hard to come by..I have 2 but working on a little project that I need more for.We lost our Checkers roo in the flood so I had to get creative in what to do with the hens and glad I did..Please let me know on the kitty-it will have to play dress up on occasion Hannah Montana most likely unless it really doesn't want to then our other cat will-he doesn't mind at all.Only real requirement is it must like to be a lap kitty play kitty people loving kitty.
my son's cat was a like you long enough to lure you in then smack kind of cat but we loved him anyway..just don't want another!

I have a Silver laced Polish Roo and a few Buff laced not sure what they are yet -hatchery stock on those looking for homes if anyone needs some and an extra white Ameraucana roo from Pips & Peeps may sell a pair of them if you really wanted a pullet to go with him.
I have a couple really sweet kittens. They don't bother anything except small birds like quail. They even played with a little bunny we had. They love to play with our teacup chihuahua. Your sone is welcome to have either one or both. When they play they don't even let out their claws. They are very gentle. We had the mother spayed so moore babies.
I actually have 2 in the house. One comes in at night like a dog. The ther chickens pick on him because he's developmentally challenged. He perches on the bottom of the aquarium stand all night and I put paper under him. I take him out during the day. The other I just dug at 3 spots on her feet that where bumble foot. Her feet are wrapped and she's in the bathroom to keep them dry. It's suppose to rain and I don't want her bandages to get wet then muddy. It would invite a whole nother problem. She's tame so it's not a problem. Not like I've never cleaned up chicken poop. I spread paper on the floor.
I actually have 2 in the house. One comes in at night like a dog. The ther chickens pick on him because he's developmentally challenged. He perches on the bottom of the aquarium stand all night and I put paper under him. I take him out during the day. The other I just dug at 3 spots on her feet that where bumble foot. Her feet are wrapped and she's in the bathroom to keep them dry. It's suppose to rain and I don't want her bandages to get wet then muddy. It would invite a whole nother problem. She's tame so it's not a problem. Not like I've never cleaned up chicken poop. I spread paper on the floor.

OH I have a hen that has a beak problem and I would LOVE it if she would come in and do like your D challenged. The ppl that live next door dog a hold of her earlyer this week. She seems to be doing good but she hates being caged.
Hello fellow Tennesseeans!

I have a flock that is all mixed up while their perminant coop is being built. There are standards, bantams, dark egg layers, white egg layers, feather legged, and clean legged... and all inbetween. They just started laying today (8 eggs all at once!). I'm wondering, anyone interested in some crazy mix up breeds? I'm very tempted to try to hatch them because once their coops are done... they will be seperated forever with their own breeds. I don't know though... I may just be having a relapse of hatchoholicism. HELP!!!

The breeds in the pen are (and some of the standards are very successfully mating with the bantams):
Blue Andalusians
French Wheaten Marans
Black Sex Link
Black Jersey Giant
New Hampshires
Easter Eggers (no blue or green eggs yet)
One Delaware roo
Silver Laced Wyandottes
One Barnevelder Roo

Red Cochins
Silver Laced Cochin
Delawares (bantams!)
Buff Sebrights
Silver Sebrights
White Silkies
Crele OEG
Black Tailed Buff Japanese

So, as you can see... there is NO TELLING what will hatch! Someone either hatch these for me or talk me out of it.
Don't do it!
Be strong. I have the same problem. It's all I can do to put my eggs in the fridge for eating instead of in the incubator for hatching. I decided to sell some locally for eating because I hae 3 dozen in the fridge and we don't need that many.
I have 7 Tennessee Red quail I need to sell or trade if anyone in the Nashville area wants some. Not for sure on sexes but am getting several eggs so there are males and females.

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