
I was asking about the fair. But at the same time, the 4H show is being held at the fairgrounds per the flyer on the fair website. The flyer says show at ten, auction to follow. I guess I will just go, eat some deep fried goodness, some boutulism on a bun and hope there are still critters to see. Feathered critters that is, any fair has more than its share of two legged critters.

P.S. it is he.
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Heck I even forgot about the Jeff fair this year. To dang busy with other stuff.

Yes, that was a major strom we had last night. Loved the rain and how temps stayed lower today.
I am so PUMPED!!! I am leaving super early in the morning to go pick up my SLWs!!!! And, I purchased a chicken coop today, in very good condition, for $75.00!!!! I'll be breaking out the industrial strength disinfectant that we use at work and cleaning tomorrow, WHOOHOOO!!!!!!
Hello, in Tennessee. This is being hi-jacked by an Arkansawyer, I spelled that one right.
My wife is from Celina, TN area though and my children 24, 20, 18 and 14 are halvies (half Tennesseean and half Arkansawyer) so I feel like I belong here too.
Anyway Hello!!!!!

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