
Don't forget the Wilson County Fair kicked off yesterday..it's the biggest fair in the State
So where are our good TN chickens? All of us must have left them at home this year..but you need to come see the ones being shown you will see
Beautiful straight combed silkies with big eyes
they do have eyes when they have no poof

Buff Orpingtons playing dress up as red sex links

Delaware's with brown spots..I believe these are actually some Del crosses that I sold as chicks as Del Crosses not many have Del RIR crosses around here..funny though
But funny aside there are a FEW nice birds lots of bantams there makes me wish it wasn't always this darn hot so I would take some of ours and not worry as much.Maybe next year we will brave the heat and clean up the Columbian Rocks or Ameraucana's something different and take them
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I didn't make it to greenback... had a bit of a car issue. backed into the vet's mailbox and had to run around to get that replaced. I wasn't drivng... for the record. lol.
That's Hank. Poor thing has been despirate to sell alot of his birds for awhile. I don't know if I will attend, but if you go... let us in on the details when you get back!
That's Hank. Poor thing has been despirate to sell alot of his birds for awhile. I don't know if I will attend, but if you go... let us in on the details when you get back!

....poor Hank, I don't think he's ever owned a single bird for more than two weeks. I bought/stole a very nice nest box from him a few weeks back. I'm fairly new to this, but before I left his place, I had to identify breeds and sexes of nearly forty birds. He's a biosecurity nightmare.

All of that being said, he's not maliciously trying to taint flocks or anything, he just doesn't know any better and considered some of the company he was keeping at Madisonville, he's learning from the wrong kind of chicken ranchers.

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