
Would anyone like to buy a Kroger gift card? My daughter is raising money for Girl Scouts so she can go to Savannah GA in June and it's expensive! She's selling $10 gift cards for $10 and every time you re-load it she gets a small amount in her account..or if you don't think you will reload it we can do $25 or $50 cards as well. I'll mail them right out to anyone not local enough to pick them up.She's also selling magazines..new and renewals if anyone has one coming up soon or needs a new one
I looked thinking my chicken friends would like it..but it's not there.Backyard farms and things like that but no chicken magazines...I just don't understand there are cats,dogs,birds,horses,you name it but our chickens were left out.Who really cares about all the latest dog trends
i'm babysitting on Saturday, so i'm thinking about getting the boys out and coming to the market. it's a great excuse since i usually can't talk myself into going to town, but since i'll already be in town it's easy!

Look us up. Better come early for the best buys. We'll probably sell out early since we don't have much besides green beans, potatoes, and okra.
what qualifies as early? 9am?

i'm not even really out to buy anything (although i'm sure i will) i just need to take the boys on an outing so we aren't stuck in the house all day and i figured the market would be easy and fun. green beans and taters do sound good though!

eta: just saw on the website that Saturday is Honey Day at the market! if you see any adorable redheads wondering around unattended, just bring them back to where i'm engrossed in honey talk and being a totally irresponsible babysitter!
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Oh you'll love Honey Day - kids will too. We'll have a glass enclosed hive so they can see the bees and there will be Honey Punch to drink. Market opens for selling at 9 am. Lots of people are already there at 8 wandering around to see what's going on. The bread makers will have coffee and sweet rolls to sell early for the early bird shoppers. You can get a sample of sheep cheese (if you've never tried it, it's yummy). Saturday will give you an idea of whether you want to start selling at the market. Check in with me first and I'll introduce you to some great people. You really need to check out Blackberry Farm's booth. They always have some really great stuff.
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I will be coming to Jackson Tennessee tomorrow morning to bring a relative to the doc. I am looking for an Americauna roo. I would be satisfied with an EE roo as long as he has a beard, slate legs and the ear tufts or muffs. What ever they are called. I'm not choosey on colores either. I just want a good tempered one. If he's mean or ends up mean he will be rehomed or become stew. The kicker is i'm looking for one that is free. I have to have my sis n law to the doc at 9:15 am. I have no idea how long it will take for her but while i'm there I was hoping I could pick one up. I need one that can make eggs fertile now.

Please don't give me one that is rough on your girls or an old roo or a bad tempered one. My girls are very nice and gentle and deserve a nice young fella that is good to them. I know the saying begger can't be choosey but it's for my girls not me.
Ok those of you in and near Nashville. My cousin is coming to visit this weekend and i'm still needing that Americauna roo. So those of you that offered one a few weeks ago, I am still in need of one. So please chime up. If you could bring him to his house he will bring him to me. So please, please, please contact me so I can give y ou his info. And as I said before. I don't want any roos with an attitude, or mean in anyway. He has to get along with others and play nice. My girls are nice and they deserve a nice roo. They need to be pesticide free and PNIP certified. They will be getting tested this Wednesday anyway but i'd like to know their previous owner cares enough to have them kept up to date with it. I'm not particular on color but please send me a pic of him so I know what i'm getting. Free would be nice but I do have a little saved back for just this thing. He must have the slate legs, pea comb, beard and tufts.
Anybody going to the Alternative Livestock Auction and Exotic Bird Sale in Cookeville, Tn next weekend? Sept. 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th. Or has anyone ever been to it? I thought I would go up Thursday and spend the night so I could be there early for the bird sale Friday the 10th. According to the flyer I got they have a hugh bird sale, Peacocks, Pheasants, Swans, Fancy Waterfowl, Ostrich, Rheas, Emu.... I am hopeing to find some Pomeranian geese, mandrian ducks, and maybe some rare pheasants-if they don't go to high! I am curious if anyone had ever been to this, maybe you can tell me a little about it? I have always wanted to go but just never found the time, this time I am going! They are also auctioning off Yak, water buffalo, bison, elk, deer, antalopes, goats and sheep on Thurday, and Saturday will be Donkeys, Zebras, Camels.... Should be interesting.

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