
Well folks I finally got a preditor problem. I knew my luck would run out.

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of chickens getting eatten alive. Went out and everyone seemed alright at a glance in the dark.

This moring...come out to find a partridge cochin pullet without the fleshy nub that is a chicken tail!! (Yes, Nella... the one you were interested in) I got her in quarentine and on anti-biotics... rounding up a live trap and put out cameras. I hope to catch it tonight so I can haul it off tommarrow. i work long hours durrng the week.

just thought I would share...
Sorry to hear tnchickenut but for what its worth I have a beautiful BCM Roo with no tail he looks odd but is fine, hope you catch your varmit! I am very interested in your leghorns but you are pretty far, still working on it!
Thanks... they are still here. I've not been aggressively trying to sell anything here lately. I SHOULD be though... Lord knows I have a ton of birds I really don't need. lol.

I'm sure she will be fine in the long run. I still need to capture this critter before it comes back and gets someone else.
Not sure if thisis the right place for this post but does anyone have any lt.brahama chickens?
I live west of Nashville near Dickson. I am looking for a young roo and a couple of pullets.
Thank you to everyone who tried to help me out with getting chicks, my EE baby is no longer alone!

Wegotchickens- thank you for the babies! They're still giving me the stink eye, and one tried to escape while the DH had the EE in his hands lol. I'll try to keep you updated on their progress! I think I have at least 1 boy and 1 girl, thinking I got a second boy but not sure yet. We're trying to get them used to us by picking them up every day, I don't know if this breed is naturally flighty or not but they don't freak out when we approach just once our hands come towards them.

TNchickenut- I hate that you almost lost a chicken! I hope she makes it! We have so far not suffered a loss to a predator, and hope it stays that way.
Thanks. I live in a very "critter infested" area and went 4 years without any real problems. I guess it was time. I have lost one before while free ranging, but that is a totally different thing than losing one in the night while it's supposed to be safe in a coop. Well... technically I didn't lose her. I went and found some stuff called "EMT" from TSC and put it on the wound... like a liquid bandaid. I think she'll be fine... just got to get her feathers back where they can... don't think she will ever get them all back... the flesh is gone.

Glad you got some chicks! I got some Barnevelders and project birds going in lockdown tonight... fingers crossed! Never is boring around here!!!
Depending on what it is, there may be no chance of "hauling it off"; Unless you drive it to Andrews or somewhere over the mountain. We had a raccoon problem twice. First time we released her about five miles from the barn, second time I skinned her and left the hide on the back fence post...so far, I've found tracks as close as a few yards away from gate, but no one comes past the hide.
Depending on what it is, there may be no chance of "hauling it off"; Unless you drive it to Andrews or somewhere over the mountain. We had a raccoon problem twice. First time we released her about five miles from the barn, second time I skinned her and left the hide on the back fence post...so far, I've found tracks as close as a few yards away from gate, but no one comes past the hide.

Lol... that just reminded me of that Grendal and Beowulf story....

I was planning on taking it far far away. I'm not but a few minutes from the CNF and the Cherohala Skyway... where a coon can be a coon - without chickens.
Hey wagoncab! I live in the Fairview area so we are almost sorta kinda neighbors! I am looking for some pullets and a roo also. I want some BLRW's and SLW's. I found some on Pauls Poultry website yesterday and they are some AWESOME looking birds! I just wonder if anyone in the middle TN, southern KY, northern AL area would be interested in splitting an order from this breeder! The day old chicks are too expensive for me to afford a minimum order by myself...anyone interested? Check out his birds on his website www.paulspoultry.com, they are soooo pretty! I hope
someone wants some fall chicks like I do...just think yall, they'll start laying next summer! You know you want some...don't you? I need to add here that I won't know until tomorrow if they even have any available this time of year, I am going to call them and see in the morning.
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Ugh, lots of predator problems over here. Lost ANOTHER bird this week.....my cute little blue poofy cheeked salmon fav/cochin mix. Found a big pile of feathers but no body out by the back fence. Hawk again? Maybe? It was on the INSIDE of the fence....this was a younger bird, probably 3 month old pullet, so would be small enough to carry off, I think.

So frustrating! What the heck can you do about a hawk targeting your birds? I can't cover my yard and adding extra roosters for hawk calls doesnt seem to always work. It is slowly picking off all my young or small birds.

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