
Anyone going to the madisonville sale this weekend? Because of all the hawk problems, I am going to pick out a few girls to go with my boys. I wanted to keep them but would rather see them ALIVE elsewhere.

Will have a very pretty buff columbian-ish bantam cochin pair
2 bantam black mixed (colors mixed, breed is pure) cochin pairs
1 partridge type bantam cochin pair (roo is pure but small, hen is a mille cross that came out as a buff partridgey thing)
probably a mottled bantam cochin pair (maybe)

Also a Golden Campine (supposedly bantam) cockerel.....neat leggy thing. Almost looks like a modern!
Lots of bantam gold laced cochin roosters for free if anyone wants them (3).
Possibly others.
biblo-so sorry

Ilost 9 of my fav. 5 silkies and 4 banthem cochins.
Where are you located. I'm gonna take a guess and say middle TN. I'm in west tennessee. As far west as you can get. I need a white silkie roo and it seems that everytime I need a certain chicken they are all to far from me. I do have a cousin thata comes this way from time to time and he would bring me what ever I found. I just have to catch him heded this way and hopefully find what im looking for at the same time.
This is for everyone having hawk problems.....

If you don't have bird feeders up around your yard, you need to get some. The most effective anti-hawk machine is a bunch of Blue Jays or Mocking Birds. I have hawks flying over my place quite often and as soon as they dip too low for comfort, a least a dozen jays or mocs bust out of the maple grove a beat the dickins out of it. I use to set out behind my house with a 410, but now I just sit out there and watch. It's quite hilarious. Even the biggest, most mature hawks don't stand a chance from five or six dive bombers smacking it on the forehead. A few bird feeders were a mix of black sunflower, millet, and sorghum will bring the Jays and Cardinals from miles around and best of all, these will stay through the winter.
Where are you located. I'm gonna take a guess and say middle TN. I'm in west tennessee. As far west as you can get. I need a white silkie roo and it seems that everytime I need a certain chicken they are all to far from me. I do have a cousin thata comes this way from time to time and he would bring me what ever I found. I just have to catch him heded this way and hopefully find what im looking for at the same time.

I have 6 you can have but I'm in SE TN... how much further could you and I get?
Where are you located. I'm gonna take a guess and say middle TN. I'm in west tennessee. As far west as you can get. I need a white silkie roo and it seems that everytime I need a certain chicken they are all to far from me. I do have a cousin thata comes this way from time to time and he would bring me what ever I found. I just have to catch him heded this way and hopefully find what im looking for at the same time.

I have 6 you can have but I'm in SE TN... how much further could you and I get?

I really need to move. Thats how it always is when I find what i'm looking for. The person is too far away. People around here just don'g have what I need. They have what they call around here yard birds. Just a bunch of mixed up hens with a pretty rooster. I love a mutt like the rest of the mutt lovers but smetimes I just need a pure. And I always seem to be looking for something. Right now I need a white silkie roo or preferrably a cockerel about 6 months old and another white pullet so I can have a trio. I also need a couple Orphington hens of the blue variety so they are closer to the right size for my blue orphington roo. Right now he's with the RIR hens and he's getting too big to do the job. I noticed today his mounting abilities are altered, thus infertile eggs. Since I sell my eggs, this just won't work. I'm gonna have to sell for eating instead. I have a test egg in the bator to check. I really don't want a RIR roo because they tend to be mean and I don't do mean. There are 8 RIR's so I may have to just hatch some out myself so they grow up together and hopefully will get along as roosters.

I bought some lavender orph eggs and got 2 more cockerels. I'll just keep trying till I get poor Blue a few wives more his size.
This is true also. yesterday we were out watching the chickens after hubby bushhog our place. Hawk was cruising the drafts up high. You could see the other birds trying to get that high to chase him off. We have lots of mocking birds here and now jays are coming in too. With this true cold weather I will be getting the feeders full again. That will bring the doves in that the hawks love so that will also keep them off the chickens. But if you have a hawk that has devloped a tast for chicken you got problems.
Does anyone need/want a flock of guineas? My partner just got a new position that will allow him to work from home and the noisy, crazy birds are going to have to go to a new home. There are 13 total. I am asking $75 for the flock but will entertain offers. I also have 2 pairs of partridge rocks, a pair of columbian rock bantams, a rhode island red cockerel and a red golden male that need new homes.
Where are you at. I'm in north west tennessee. Out where nobody has anythng. I have a flock of RIR hens and I have a Blue Orphington with them and apparently he is too big to do the job right. I really didn't want to get a
RIR roo because they get mean but i'll have to take my chances.

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