
You ask for it
Murphy he lives in AZ now
Pete's Mom Gypsy
and the back of Angus's head
Good morning TN BYC'rs. Whew, it was cold yesterday morning. I still can't believe I rode my bicycle, but glad I did. I'm also so happy with my water heaters. I only had one frozen water-the ducks. But, that's because I have not made one for them yet.
Here is the first one I made. The others are better looking for I like the Lowes buckets w/ out the writting on one side. Silly I know.

Thrilled, that I don't have to fill buckets up with hot water in the tub to go out and melt frozen chicken water buckets.
I put the list up on the 2 for sale boards..got to go wear out the new camera now and get lots of pics

Jen wants some baby chicks..Jen wants some baby chicks Hey Jen I have some adorable bantam Ameraucana chicks...wonder where they came from
Sorry to hear you lost Hobie
How'd you make them? If you don't mind me asking, I have several of those hog pans that I have to dump each morning and fill with warm water.
How'd you make them? If you don't mind me asking, I have several of those hog pans that I have to dump each morning and fill with warm water.

I received all my inspiration from BYC'rs.
Let me see if I can link you:
Here is one-
I can't find the other page I used for directions. You can do a BYC search also...very easy. PM me if you have any questions.
PLEASE NOTE: make sure your plug is GFCI(or is it GCFI?) so no one gets shocked!
Drizzly but mild here today. The chooks are nice and mellow, munching on corn and baby greens. It would be so nice if the pens would stay dry this week! One of my New Year's projects is to either move my mini pens, or drastically improve the drainage around them. It's really much more fun to look at seed and chick catalogs, so here's hoping we only get drizzle.

Raven1, love the poodle pics. What's their temperament like? Are they good family dogs?

bikechick, thanks for sharing photos of your water heater! I have really been needing heaters for my two small pens, and this has given me a great idea to build my own to fit the quart-size waterers.

Robo, I saw your quail listings. . . very tempting!! Gotta build more pens. . .

And HBuehler, well . . . good luck with that Christmas tree. I had cats for 20 years, and I never - - EVER - - had a tree come through the holidays unscathed. Got a few good stories about them, too: Once upon a time there was a naughty fuzzy kitten who thought tinsel was so very pretty . . .

New topic for our TN folks: Who here keeps turkeys? For those who do, are you letting them run with the chickens? What breed/s do you keep? Any issues? I am thinking about Midget Whites in 2011 . . .
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I think we have the best cat. She doesn't climb up on the counters or table. Only get on the furniture when invited. The closest she got to our Christmas tree was sleeping behind it waiting for the mice that where playing in it. She doesn't claw the furniture or walls or anything for that matter and she is very gentle when playing.

The kicker is the only thing we taught her was not to get on the counter or table and not to claw the furniture. She caught on very quick, only after having to be told twice. We never laid a hand on her for punishment. Whoever dropped her off a year and a half ago really missed out on a great cat. She hunts for most of her food. She comes in when she wants and goes to the door to go out either to roam or potty. If I don't let her out she will use the litter box but she prefers to go out.

She's a great cat. She doesn't bother the chicks either.

By emvickrey at 2010-06-29

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