
Chickenfruit - we moved to middle tn from Ohio....the 'north' coast. Thought we'd die from the heat that first summer, then froze in the first winter....our blood had thinned out I guess. Since then we've acclimated. It doesn't take that long, really. Your kiddo's will grow up thinking that's normal, unless they stay inside on the games all day. I learned that it's best to get outside to work early in the morning during summer months, and leave the chores till mid afternoon during winter. Love spring and summer.....

And how would you like a 50 or 70 degree day in the middle of Jan? Well, we just had two in the 60's!!! What a blessing!

Welcome to TN!
Yeah, what a great 2 days it was, too bad I spent yesterday helping the neighbors put in new plumbing (from the meter to the house) and then that night a cold has started to kick my butt!
I'm running a low-grade fever right now and had the worst night last night unable to breathe through my nose
So, in the morning going to make an appointment with the doc if I still feel this bad or if the fever gets worse... I'm like my grandmother, I'll run low-grade fevers for bad colds, and mid-grade fevers when I'm really sick... I don't run high-grade fevers ever... NyQuil hopefully will help tonight, it didn't last night. I just want to feel better

NellaBean - we'll still meet up at LC Feeds, I have to get feed Monday I'm almost out! I just won't be touching anything, anybody, or talking face to face... Don't want to spread it!

I havn't had many issues with the post office in OS, only once has someone made me mad... The lady wanted me to use a huge envelope to send a smaller envelope, and I know it was cheaper but seriously she wouldn't let off about using the photo envelope even though I was willing to pay for it, I got ticked and just bought the big one since she kept telling me to use it.
Right now I'm upset with UPS, since they delivered my package extremely late and wouldn't tell me over the phone they couldn't return my shipping, instead had Brinsea call me to let me know.
Alrighty, just got home from out of town since friday noon.....still planning on LC feeds at 11 tomorrow stanglover....getting ready to go wrangle the two hens out of the coop and into one of my carport brooders temporarily so they are easy to catch tomorrow.

I think I grabbed this hen.


Not sure, but that is the one I was trying to grab. They all kind of look alike!!
Isn't it cute? She was a great mom. A hawk attacked her and the baby (it was a single chick hatch) and she successfully fought it off. The chick actually hatched out under a different hen, and this girl stole it and loved and adored it. she was a really good mom and I know stanglover wants a good broody, so I aimed for that one! they've all molted in the last few months so their spots dont look exactly the same, but the one I grabbed had the black patch on the side right where the chick is in the pic, so I think its her.
Nella those are some neat looking chickens.

Strangerlover I hope you get better. Cold and flues are no fun.

Well, it is warmer here but rainy for the rest of the week or so they weather says. Even some snow predited but it will not stay. Hubby and I talked yesterday about coop expansion which will be so needed. I have to find someone to do it for us since he will not be home. Luckily I think I have a neibor that can do it. Will have to check. I know they could use the money since he is not working. Always like to help people when I can.
Thanks Cybercat, I wish I could have sat and chatted with you Janelle (Nella) but my throat was getting drier and I knew I wouldn't been able to sit there much longer... I'll update you on the hens later, right now I have them together in an outdoor finisher brooder but will be putting them in our shed in a huge dog kennel so they're not standing on hardware cloth.

Alright, got to stop playing on BYC and go do some homework... maybe a nap, didn't get any good sleep last night
Stanglover, nice meeting you today. Hope the girls do well for you!

Apparently in punishment for me selling broodies, another of my hens went broody
This time its one of my bantam mottled cochin hens. Crazy chickens.....
I'm setting here in Knoxville, and I could stand a move. I always think of a farm in Owenton, Kentucky. The smallest town on earth until the Mcdonald's came. To be honest I am fed up with the city council even though I can walk across the street and be in the county. Knoxville is a great place, but don't mess with the city council.

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