
Aww! Thanks for all the posts guys! We're still waiting to hear just when the transfer will go through. Iam betting on March. I bet we'll acclimate and survive well. Hope I can run into some of you at a swap or something! I think we'll really like tennessee. I should like to try on being a southern belle.

Does anyone know anything about livestock markets? We dabbled in goats here, and I grew up with cows and sheep and want to raise sheep and goats for market. knoxville has a nice jewish population from what i read and hear, I thought about offering lamb some day- if i could come across a kosher slaughterer. But until then I gotta find a place to sell my stock.

And what about butchers for personal use- for chickens and rabbit? maybe even someone who comes to me and slaughters...
Alot will depend on where you end up. You must be out of city to raise livestock. As far as butchering they only handle deer, beef and pigs and some do sheep. For chickens and rabbits you have to do your own. Also goats for many of them. Good luck finding a Kosher butcher too. Livestock can be bought from locals or a market but your better off buying from a good breeder. Meat selling is not allowed only live animal. No dairy also or anything canned or bottled unless you have a licensed kitchen. Farmers markets only sell veggi and fruit just picked not packaged.

You will be in for cultcher shock moving here. Things are slower. This is a major bible state part of the bible belt. Very much country so alot is do it yourself. Much lower income too which in nice in alot of ways. But Knoxville has more rules than many other cities here. So make sure you know what is what where you are looking. Good luck on your search.
I can do it! I'm not kosher but I won't mix it up with pig or anything. Oh and I found some Polish at a place called LC Feeds. He has some eggs in the bator right now...
I could do a few for you, oh and at LC feeds they have a big White Leghorn rooster and a heritage RIR. They are nice, but I have too many. If you are interested in that. Oh, and I can possibly do some for you.
I can do it! I'm not kosher but I won't mix it up with pig or anything. Oh and I found some Polish at a place called LC Feeds. He has some eggs in the bator right now...

Robo, what was the guys name? I think I may know who you're talking about.

Nella, I process my own chickens. I wouldn't know about processing someone elses or how much to charge though

I want to say mike, but I have been wrong. He is the nice guy who works there. In the tack room he has an incubator that is full of eggs.

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