
Hi Doc! Mind if I ask what you'll be showing?
I had planned on showing my Black Sumatra, Nancy, who as of this moment I'm calling Nancy No-Tail because she decided it was too hot for a tail. Hoping she looks good enough by December to show her.
Also showing White Calls.
Probably won't show anything, we will just go to look and visit some okie friends and family. Maybe pickup a few birds while we are there, we always do. If I were going to show something it would be a light brahma roo we hatched this spring he is awesome.
HI there
from Cypress. Im fairly new here and have learned quite a bit from this site. This is my first time with my own chickens. I've eneded up with 2 buff pullets (those are the only ones I know for certain) and three dark cornish and three silver laced wyandottes (I think) -2 boys and 1 girl each-whcih brings me to my question....

Can anyone suggest the best place to list my young roosters that I need to sell/rehome? I've ended up with four (out of my 8 chicks) and they have all figured out that they are roosters now

I know that I can list them on craigs list-has anyone had success with that? Is there any other place?

here is one of my "guys" Ida Mae...silver laced???

here is another "guy" Charleene...dark cornish???
(I hope that Frederick-the black and white with no comb yet-there in the background is a girl)

thanks for any help

Craigslist would be a good place to try, roosters can be tough to sell unless they are good quality pure breeds. You could also look for auctions in your area they usually require you have npip testing done. Best case your roos are probably not going to bring more than a few bucks a piece so I would go with the cheapest option (craigslist) because its free. Mid summer is a bad time to try to sell or rehome chickens folks just stop buying or looking when it is so hot. hope it works out for you.
Josh, The Tri-State Fair at Amarillo is Sept 18th. It is also the TAEPC show this year. Steve Jones is going to judge. I'm planning on showing at Abilene, Amarillo and Decatur. I might go to Shawnee in Dec. Went last year as it was the Brahma National. It is supposed to be huge this year, a big APA show. The State fair has a good show Oct 10 I think. Planning on making it to.
I have had decent responses from Craigslist, but i've only given away, not sold. I also post on several local yahoo groups. Your local Freecycle may or may not allow animal offers (again this would be for free), but they may also have associated "cafe" groups that will allow animals to be offered. There are a couple of local "community announcement" type groups in my area where you can sell or give away animals with no problem. I did a quick search on yahoo groups and got quite a few hits for Cypress.

Also, if you get desperate to rehome them, i'm probably less than an hour from you. I will take them off your hands - but only if it's ok with you that they go to freezer camp. For a lot of people, that's not an option, and i understand that.

You can also advertise them here on BYC's buy/sell/auction section.
I am pretty sure i'll be going to the abilene show & maybe lagrange, I am really shooting for FT Worth & the Shawnee OK. show but depends if all my birds feather out in time, mine are all molting or are due for it soon.

I have Rhode Island Red , Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, & Polish Bantams





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