
You sound like you're figuring it out fine! I don't know how many birds you're feeding or how quickly you will go through it, but as long as you keep "feeding" the bucket periodically with new, dry food and water then it shouldn't spoil. Even in the heat. My husband kicked ours out of the shop because he really doesn't like the smell. So, ours sits on the back porch. For several hours in direct sunlight. The heat, IME, helps the ferment take place quicker. I really don't think it can go bad. If you don't stir we'll, then the stuff at the bottom will get extra fermented and smell stronger, but it's not spoiled per se.

Please note: you will see a film develop on the top between feeding times. Depending on what you're feeding, the film may be beige or grayish or white. This film is not bad mold. Don't worry unless you start seeing green or black stuff growing in there. It WILL smell strongly too. Some people (my husband) think it smells "rotten." Others (me) think it smells sour, but it's not a rancid smell.
Thanks. So I should just put a little back in and some water after I feed each day. I currently have about 30. 4 of them small chicks. My oldest three are about a year and a half. The rest are 7 months or less. I have about 11 cockerels that I am getting rid of soon. A fellow in mesquite will take all I want to give him. My first group of eggs I hatched, 8 of the 10 that hatched were cockerels and a fellow from Terrell came and took all of them. I am in East Tx.
Hi guys. Long time no see, I know...

We had most of our chickens stolen by a neighbor... We have since strengthened our fence, and we are looking to grow our flock back up again. I have some eggs in the 'bator, but it would be really nice to add a few adult layers and a nice strong roo. Does anyone near East Texas or DFW have any adults for sale or trade? Not sure what I would trade, but I can see what I can do. Maybe some hay or a part of my first male lamb...

Anyway, please let me know if you can help.

People can be jerks!
We are blessed that my FIL lives on one side of us and we have cattle pasture on the other side that he owns too! We don't have any really close neighbors to deal with. My girls do play with a little boy who lives down the road a bit. His family lives on a small plot of land that FIL owns (they rent from him); so we would know if they ended up with any of our animals!
I use a one bucket method for my fermenting. First batch I made I covered with water and added a glug of apple cider vinager with mother to kick start things. Ever since then all I do is add feed and water to excisting mix. I don't feed it all out. So that way the goodie bacterias and fermenting micros are there, and you don't have to start over.

(To tired to quite sorry)
Great job! Inside and out looks awesome!
I am finally getting around to posting pictures of the coop. It has been "liveable" for the last month or so, but it still needs some exterior trim work and decorations. The girls really seem to like it. This was my first real attempt at construction and I am pretty proud of it. The girls "Farm House" The egg door Nest boxes with fake eggs. Some of the girls enjoying the evening breeze. Thanks for all the help to everyone.
But you do want a layer of liquid over it. That's what keeps it from molding. But if you are going through it fairly regularly that shouldn't be a problem. From the sounds of it though, some here use alcohol fermentation with ACV. My experience is with lacto-fermentation using a bit of buttermilk as a starter.
I probably put a little less than half feed in it last night, covered it with water.  This morning it still had a little liquid on top and I added some more.  It was bubbling this morning.  I just went and checked it again.  No liquid on top now and it was about to roll over the bucket.  I scooped some out and put it in another bucket to keep it from spilling on my garage floor.  Had to put it in the garage last night as my dog left his food and was gobbling it up when I was not looking.  I think I will just start another bucket tonight so I will have some going all time.  I am just using one bucket.  I guess I will eventually learn about how much to put in to keep it from spilling over.  Will it be o.k. to leave it in the barn in this heat?  How many days will it be good to feed to avoid spoilage, if it will spoil?
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